Chapter Eleven

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The next morning Ryan and I wake up on the roof of his car. We open our eyes, look and smile at each other and kiss each other good morning. The cool air and the sun shining down on us feels incredible. We have our arms wrapped around each other.

"Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?" Ryan asks with a mile.

"I slept fine. You?" I ask him.

"I slept well too. Sleeping next to you is the best I'll ever sleep" he says with a smile.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"8am" he says with looking at his phone. We share a smile and sit up. We then realized we had slept at Hiker's Top on his car.

"Uhhh Ryan. We slept on the roof of your car in the woods" I say.

"I guess we did. I kind of enjoyed it" he says back with a smile.

"I did too. I guess this is one of our many boyfriend adventures" I say with a laugh.

Ryan and I sit on his car for a while longer. Overlooking the town from Hiker's Top. It looks amazing even with the sun shining on the town in the early morning. We hold hands and not talk. Just listening to all the birds and the noises coming from the town.

"It sure is beautiful from up here" I say in a calm voice.

"Yes it is. This place has always calmed me down. I love coming here. I always do when I'm stressed out or need some time to myself" Ryan says back.

"I can see why" I say back to him. We sit on his car holding hands for a while. Eventually Ryan hears my stomach rumble. God I'm starving.

"You hungry, baby?" Ryan asks with a smile.

"Yeah. Starving" I say back.

"Come on. Let's get breakfast somewhere. It's our last day off together. We should really go all out today. Breakfast, lunch and dinner" he says with a smile.

"I would love that. I just need to stop at home for a second" I say back.

"Again? You've been doing that every morning these past few days. What's going on?" he asks.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it" I say back

"Evan, what is it you don't want me to know? Whatever it is, you can tell me" Ryan asks.

"I...I have to take my ADHD medication. There. Now you know" I tell him

"You have ADHD?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah...I do" I say quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me? You could have taken it to my apartment" Ryan says with a smile.

"Because I've always been embarrassed by it. I never like people knowing that I have it. Only Laura knows that I have it" I say.

"Evan. ADHD is nothing to be ashamed of. It's not a bad thing. It makes you who you are. This is the way you were born" Ryan says with his arms around me.

"You sure you're not embarrassed with having a boyfriend who has ADHD?" I ask him.

"Not at all. You wanna know why?" Ryan asks

"Why?" I ask

"I have it too" Ryan says with a smile

"You do?" I ask with a smile.

"Yes. I do. I also take medication for it. But only on weekends when I'm off from work" he says.

"You don't take it when you work?" I ask him.

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