Chapter Ten

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The next few days spent with Ryan are everything I could have asked for and more. We've been sleeping together every night, going for romantic candlelit dinner, make out constantly and a lot of other fun stuff. Mostly we just watch Disney+ in his bed. Finally having Ryan as my boyfriend is everything. He's all I could have asked for.

We went to my apartment and got clothes for me. Today we decided to stay in our underwear all day. We wear the same underwear. Except mine are red and his are black. If that doesn't say he and I are meant to be boyfriends. I'm in his bathroom looking at a hickey he gave me last night. Ryan walks in.

"Jesus Christ, Ryan. That's a hickey if I ever saw one" I say.

"You're welcome" he says with a smirk and wrapping his arms around me with a kiss.

"You're really lucky you're cute. Otherwise I wouldn't be so ok with it" I say back to him.

Ryan begins to suck on the other side of my neck. I push him away but do it with love. "Ryan stop. Don't give me another one" I say with a smirk.

"Alright. Alright. Jeez I can't even show my own boyfriend how much I love him" he says with a smirk.

"You can show me that you love me just don't suck on my neck. Suck on another part of my body" I say with the same smirk.

"That comes later. Tonight I want to take you somewhere. Some place very special to me" he says still with his arms around me.

"Where would that be?" I ask.

"You'll see tonight. You're going to love it" he says with a smile. He leans in and kisses me.

Ryan and I spend the rest of the day together. I've loved spending these days with Ryan. It's really been a dream come true. I've always imagined us spending all this time together. Now it finally gets to happen. Just he and I. Like we've always wanted it to be. Night time comes around. Ryan and I put sweatpants and sweatshirts on. We go to dinner at a burger place. After dinner, we get some ice cream. It's a little later when Ryan and I go to the place he's been telling me about. He's been very excited to show me this place all day. We get to where he wants to go.

"Alright, baby. We're here. Before I show you, I want you to close your eyes" he says with a smile.

"Ok, but why?" I ask.

"Trust me" he says

"You're not going to push me off anything are you?" I ask.

"Yeah Evan. It's always been my dream to push you off of something. All my life I've wanted to do that" he says sarcastically. I laugh.

"Ok ok. Point made. Smart ass" I say as I close my eyes. We stand there for a minutes. Ryan takes my hands. He leans in and kisses me. We walk for a few minutes. Ryan guides me while holding my hand. What could he want to show me? Whatever it is it must be pretty special.

"Alright, baby. I'm going to turn you around and when I say you can open your eyes, you can open them. Ok?" Ryans says to me.

"Alright" I say back. Ryan turns me around. It's quiet for a second. I seriously wonder what he could be wanting to show me. Oh my god. Is he going to propose to me? No. We've only been together a few days. Still, we are dead in love with each other. Then again, it's way too early for marriage. Wow. Could I be more on the fence about that.

"Alright baby. Open your eyes" he says. I open my eyes and am amazed by what I see. The entire town. All lit up. Ryan and I are standing on a hill where you can see the entire town. Hiker's Top this place is called. Let me tell you. It's beautiful.

"Holy shit, Ryan. It's beautiful from up here" I say in excitement.

"Isn't it? Grant and I love coming here. I thought it was time I show my boyfriend the view" he says with his arms wrapped around me.

"I'm glad you did. It's beautiful up here" We look out at the city for a while. We kiss every now and then. We then go to his car and sit on the roof holding hands and looking over the city. We can hear all the noise of the town from up here.

"I'm glad you showed me. You can see the entire town. Wow the view is incredible" I say.

"You should see my view" Ryan says looking at me.

I smile and kiss him. I move next to him and he puts his arm around me. We hold each other's hand. I put my head on his shoulder. He smells like cologne and I love it. He knows I like the kind he has. We sit there for a while. Just looking at the town. We kiss every few minutes. Just to let each other know that we are there for each other. I never want this night to end. I know we'll get to tomorrow but right now I just want to enjoy this moment.

"Thanks for showing me up here, Ryan. It's my new favorite place" I say.

"Yeah. That's the best part. I love coming here and looking at the view when I feel sad about life" he says.

"Why do you feel sad about life?" I ask him taking my head off his shoulder.

"Some people already know what they want to do with their lives. They have a plan with what they want to do. I have no kind of plan. Ever since my parents abandoned me, I've been on my own just trying to figure my life out. I have Grant for now, but he'll probably find a wife and move away some day and be an attorney. I'll still be here. I guess my plan is to keep working at that grocery store for the foreseeable future. Pushing all those carts to the lobby" Ryan says with an almost scared look on his face. I love Ryan so much that it really does hurt not to see him happy. I wrap my arm around him and take his hand.

"Ryan, listen to me. You won't have to do this alone. I'm there right by your side. It'll be you and me. Just like it should be. You can count on me for anything" I tell him with a smile. He smiles back at me. He takes my face and kisses me.

"Thanks Evan. I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like you. All I need is you and I can do anything" he says with a smile.

"I love you, Ryan" I say with a smile

"I love you more, Evan" he says with all the love in the world in his eyes.

We wrap our arms around each other and kiss for a while. It feels amazing knowing that I make Ryan so happy. He seems like he's been worried about where his life will go. I feel the same about mine. It's my job now to make sure his life goes where he wants it to go. More importantly, to be there with him. There's nothing we can't accomplish as boyfriends. It's Ryan and I forever.

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