Chapter Twenty-eight

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Laura and I wake up at 10am. We pack up the rest of my stuff and wait for Ryan to get to her apartment. It's a bittersweet moment. I'm sad that I won't be living with my best friend anymore but so happy that I'll be living with the guy I've loved for so long. We finish packing the rest of my clothes and wait for Ryan. I'm kind of quiet. I'm really thinking about Ryan.

"Are you all ready, Evan. Did you double check to make sure you have everything?" Laura asks.

"Yes I did. I made sure to move all the big stuff out last week. I just have a few little things with me" I say back to her. She stands next to me. We look at each other and smile.

"I can't tell you how excited I am for you, Evan. Instead of always being at Ryan's telling me that you'll be here the next night, you can always live at Ryan's and not have to worry about coming back here. You get to live with him forever" Laura says with a smile.

"You know I love you, Laura" I say with a smile

"I know. I love you too" she says.

We stand for a few minutes. I start blushing just thinking about Ryan. "How did I get so lucky to get the boyfriend of my dreams?" I say with a smile.

"You just did" Laura says.

"It makes me smile just saying that Ryan is my boyfriend. I just love saying that. I'd always dreamed about it but never thought it would actually happen" I say to her.

"Sometimes life is just on your side" Laura says.

"You're still going to be alright with me at Ryan's now, right?" I ask her.

"Yes, Evan. I'll be fine. Please don't worry about me. You're just five minutes away. Besides, Grant is coming over tonight and he and I are going to get to know each other a little bit better" she says excitedly.

"Are you and Grant a couple?" I ask.

"No. We're just good friends. We've been getting to know each other. He's pretty hot though" she says with a smile.

"Somebody has a little crush" I say with a laugh.

"Do you blame me? He's so hot" she says back.

"He is. Very hot" I say.

We continue talking for a while when there's a knock on Laura's door. I go to answer it. It's Ryan. He has on black sweatpants and a white t-shirt, which is my favorite outfit on any guy. He smells like cologne and I love it. I smile when I see him.

"Hey baby. I've missed you" Ryan says with a smile.

"It's only been a week" I say with a smile

"Yes but a week without you is like a million years" he says.

I smile and kiss him. He comes in for a second to talk to Laura and I about dinner last night.

"How was your night out last night? He asks.

"It was amazing. I've always wanted to eat there. Your uncle is so nice" Laura says excitedly.

"Isn't he. He's always been there for me and I'm so glad that he's my uncle. He's one of the very family members that didn't abandon me when I said I was gay" Ryan says.

"Is he your moms or dads brother?" Laura asks.

"My moms. But they've never gotten along. My mom is super conservative, as evidence by her and my dad abandoning me for being gay. But my uncle has always loved gay people and he's always been around for me" Ryan explains.

"Well I'm glad that you have someone. Thank you again for such an amazing dinner, Ryan. You're the best" Laura says with a smile.

"It was my pleasure" he says happily.

He looks at me and smiles "Ready to go, baby?"

"I am. Can I just have one second with Laura before we go?" I say to him.

"Of course" he says. 

"I'll be out in a minute" I say

I walk over to Laura and hug her. 

"Listen..." I begin saying.

"Evan. You don't have to say anything. What can you say about five years of living together, laughter, late night talks, date nights" Laura says back.

"Just that it's been a time and I'll always keep the memories with me. These are memories that I'll always go back to when I need cheering up or something to smile for or I forget that there are some incredible loving people in the world" I say with a smile.

"I love you, Evan. We will always be apart of each other's lives" she says. We hug for a very long time.

 "Your friendship came at a time when I really needed it and I couldn't have asked for anything better" I say.

"I feel the same way" she says.

"I should probably get to Ryan. Thank you for everything, Laura. There's no way I could ever repay you for all you've done for me. Thank you feels like not enough but it's all I can say. I love you. I'll see you soon" I say to her.

"I love you, Evan. You don't have to repay me. I did this all because I love you with all my heart. Enjoy living with your man" she says with a smile on her face.

I kiss Laura's forehead and go out to Ryan. We get down to his car and put the rest of my stuff in. We get in his car and I look up at Laura's room. I begin to think about all she's done for me. I could never thank her enough. Ryan sees me looking at her room.

"You gonna be alright, baby?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just a little bittersweet but I'll be fine" I tell him.

"I get it. It's a new move and not something you're used to. But we'll be ok once we start living together" Ryan says taking my hand.

"Yes we will. Now let's go. I need to lay in bed with you and make out until our lips are sore" I say with a smile.

"That sounds amazing" Ryan says as he starts driving.

We get to his apartment and go to his room. We unload the rest of my stuff. Ryan was busy getting this place ready for me to move in. He would do that. After we finish unloading we sit on our bed. I sit with my head on his shoulder the longest time. He has his arm around me. After a while we lay on his bed smiling at each with little kisses every now and then. We don't say anything. We just look at each other. That's ok because the love that we have for each other is so strong that we don't have to say anything. We just need to be with each other.

"I love you, Evan. You have no idea how much I've dreamed of us living together. I know I'm just a cart runner at a grocery store and not trained to do everything like you but I want you to know that I've loved you since the second we first met. You make me a better person. I'll love you forever and always" Ryan says in a loving voice.

"I love you too, Ryan. I've dreamed of us living together for so long also. Honestly I don't care that you're just a cart runner. I love it that's what you do and I'm so proud that you're our top cart runner. Most importantly you are my cart runner. I've always loved you and always will also" I tell him. A tear comes down my face. Ryan wipes it away. He pulls me closer to him.

We kiss and pull each other into each other's arms.

"We're finally living together, baby" Ryan whispers into my ear.

"Just the way it's supposed to be" I whisper into his ear.

I never thought I'd live to see the day but for the first time ever I can finally say that I'm where and who I want to be. Finally. All thanks to Ryan. 

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