Chapter Twenty-seven

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The next week I spend with Laura. We do all the things we used to do as roommates. Watch Friends, eat chocolate ice cream until midnight, bake cookies and cake and laugh about stupid shit. She's even been helping me move all the rest of my stuff into Ryan's apartment. I pretty much have all of my big stuff moved over there. I just have to take the rest of my clothes over. One day we're making a chocolate cake when I tell Laura I have a surprise for her.

"Laura, I have a surprise for you" I tell her with a smile on my face.

"What might that be?" she says with a smile on her face.

"Well Ryan's uncle is an attorney for that fancy Italian restaurant and he is paying for us to eat there tonight" I tell her excitedly.

"...we're eating there tonight?" she asks in disbelief

"We are" I say in an assuring voice

"I've been wanting to eat there forever but I could never afford the prices of the food. Holy shit, Evan. I fucking love you" she says with a hug

"I love you too, Laura" I say with a laugh wrapping my arms around her and kissing her forehead.

"It's you, me and Ryan tonight?" Laura asks me

"No just you and me" I say with a smile on my face.

"Evan you don't have to do that" Laura says

"Yes I do. You deserve it for all you've done for me" I say

"Evan I'm happy to do so. It's been my job. You're my best friend and I love you" she says in a nurturing tone.

"I know you do but I really want to do this for you. I still feel horrible about starting that fight with you and I want you to know that I love you and couldn't live without you" I say to her.

"You're amazing. You don't have to prove anything to me. I still love you. All is fine with us. I'm still really grateful you're doing this. If only you were straight. I'd make you mine for sure" she says hugging me

"Yeah well, I'm gay" I say back to her. We laugh

It's 6pm when we go to restaurant. I get dressed in black dress pants, a white dress shirt and a red tie. I go to my bathroom and do my hair. Damn I look hot. If only I were going with Ryan. I'm excited to go with Laura though.

A few minutes go by when I get a text from Ryan

Have fun tonight, baby. Can't wait to hear all about it. Love you

I text him back a picture of how I look tonight.

God I want your dick in my mouth so bad right now he texts me.

We'll do that later. I have a night with Laura. Love you, baby I text back.

I walk out into our living room and wait for Laura. She doesn't take that long. Mostly because she's been getting ready since 5:30pm. Classic Laura. She always wants to look her best. She wants to look even more amazing for me tonight. She knows I'm into penises, right? A few more minutes go by. She walks out of her room. I don't even notice.

"Hi Evan" she says.

I get up and turn around. "Hey Laur...Oh my god, Laura. You look beautiful" I say with a smile.

"Thanks Evan". Laura is wearing a long red dress. Her hair is done all nice and pretty. She looks like a Goddess. I may be gay but I could look at her forever. Wow. So this is what it feels like to be straight.

"Are you ready to go, Evan?" Laura asks.

"Yes. I am" I say back. We go to my car and drive to the Italian restaurant. When we get there I get out and go to Laura's side. I open her door and hold out my hand for her to get out. When we go in, I hold out my arm for her to hold.

"Aww, Evan. You're being such a gentleman tonight" Laura says with a smile.

"I'm gay but tonight, you're my girlfriend" I say with a smile

"Gladly" she says back. We get into the restaurant and we're greeted by Ryan's uncle.

"Ahhh you must be Evan and Laura" he says in a friendly tone when he sees us.

"We are. Are you Ryan's uncle?" I say back to him.

"Yes. I am. Ryan has told me much about you, Evan. I'm so glad that he has finally gotten the love of his life. Unlike his parents, I'm in full support of you two and I'm so glad that you and Ryan have each other" he says.

"Thank you. That's very nice of you to say" I say with a smile on my face.

"If you two will follow me I'll show you to your table" he says.

We walk through most of the restaurant and up a flight of stairs. We come to a table on a balcony overlooking the entire restaurant. The view is beautiful. I'm so glad that Laura and I are here together. It's been a while since we've gone out. It's the first time we've done something this fancy.

"Here's your table. Your waiter will be with you shortly" he says.

"Oh my god, this is amazing. We can see everything up here" Laura says excitedly.

"Ryan really went all out" I say impressed.

"Hold onto him. If you don't take him, I will" Laura says with a smirk on her face.

"Back off. He's mine" I say with a laugh.

The waiter takes our order and brings us dinner. It's the most delicious food we've ever had in our lives. We both got spaghetti. It was more amazing than we thought it would be. During dinner we talk about random stuff. Just stuff that we used to talk about as roommates. She talks about how work is going. I talk about how Ryan and I are doing, how in love we are. It's been a while since Laura and I sat down and talked. I've really missed her. It's so good to have some time with her tonight. After dinner Ryan's uncle comes over to our table.

"Well how was everything?" He asks happily.

"Incredible. More incredible than we thought it would be" Laura says.

"Dinner is on me tonight for the both of you" he says with a smile.

"For real?" I ask.

"For real. Ryan insisted" he says.

"Thank you very much" I say happily.

"The least I can do for my nephew and the love of his life" he says.

After a late night walk through a nearby park and some late night ice cream, we go back to our apartment. It's 1am when we get into our pajamas. We sit at the table and talk about the night.

"Thank you, Evan. Tonight was amazing" Laura says.

"You're welcome, Laura. It was my pleasure. You know tomorrow I'm moving in with Ryan, right?"

"Yes I do. I couldn't be more excited for both of you" she says happily.

"You'll be ok though, right?" I ask her.

"Evan I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I want you and Ryan to live with each other. We'll still see each other all the time" she says in an assuring voice.

"I just don't want you to be lonely" I say to her.

"I won't be lonely, Evan. I want this for you and Ryan" she says with a smile on her face.

"You're sure?" I ask.

"I'm sure" she says back with a smile

We go into her room and sit on her bed. We watch Friends. Something that we always used to do. I love Laura with all my heart. I'm so glad that she and I are best friends again. I'm so grateful for all she's done for me. I could never thank her enough. She's everything to me.

"Alright. It's late. We should probably go to bed now" I say.

"Good idea. I'm really tired. Plus you're moving in with Ryan tomorrow" she says

"Goodnight, Laura. I love you" I tell her

"I love you too, Evan. Sweet dreams" she says.

There's no one I'd rather have as a best friend than Laura. I go to bed and finally feel like the world is on my side. 

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