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6 | Nate
Song: ilomilo
By: Billie Eilish

August 7, 2018

Did I wake up to...a banging sound?
It was so loud. I literally jump out of bed and looked at the time. It's 4:00 am?!

Who the hell is up at this time?!

When I got downstairs, before I turned the corner to my front door, I stopped because the baning did too.

Then my phone started ringing. It said, Grayson.

Me: Hey, you at my door?

Grayson: no. What are you talking about, I'm at my house.

Me: then—

I peeked around the corner and saw a black figure standing outside the door.

I hiccuped. I do that when I'm startled.

My hand starting shaking.

Grayson: you still there?

I'm still looking at the figure until it turned around and our eyes met.

I backed away and stayed quiet until Gray spoke again.

Grayson: are you okay? Noah?

Me: Grayson there's someone outside my house.

I whispered.

Grayson: I'm coming over. Don't worry just stay in your room and lock the door.

Before I could hang up, the door swung open and there stood a man all in black. But his face wasn't covered.

His face looks familiar. But I still screamed and the first thing I did was run.

I'm at the bottom of the stairs and I hear footsteps behind me so I go faster. I'm halfway and he grabs my arm and yanks me back. I lost my balance and fell dropping my phone as well. He let go to let me fall down the stairs.

First bang was on my knee. The edge of the stair scrapped it. I basically rolled down the stairs and when I made it to the bottom, I just laid there.  I had pain all over my body. I tried to move but it was no use, my body is stunned.

It was all quiet until I heard his footsteps and his deep raspy voice.


I kept my eyes closed. I'm too scared to look. I'm unarmed. WHEN IS GRAYSON GONNA GET HERE?!

He nudged my leg, gently and spoke again.

"Noah, I know you're awake." He said, calmly.

I'm about to break. No, don't cry, Noah! I can't hold it. I quietly sobbed while laying there in his presence.

"Noah?" He said again. This time he sounded annoyed.

I finally opened my watery eyes and saw his face again but looked away immediately.

I force myself to sit up. Then I see that he doesn't anything in his hands. Nothing to hurt me but he is much more fit than me.

I look down at my knee and it's completely covered in blood. I scrapped it pretty badly. It's starting to drip on the floor. I could already see bruises forming on both my arms.

I looked up at him again and said, "Who are you." as I sobbed.

He licked his lips and spoke, "did you get my letter." He said.

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