179 5 12

10 | Gray Really Cares
Song: Give Me My Name Back
By: Meg Mac

August 9, 2019 (Same day)

As I walked into art class, I noticed that someone was in my seat and it was that fudgeboy from the first day.

As I approached the table, everyone starts to tone down a bit. The dude had his feet on the table, he looked like he was out of it. He was also talking to a girl. I guess she was popular.

The girl looked kinda clueless but that's just me. She was wearing a see-through shirt so everyone could see her bra and black yoga pants. This is exactly what the dress code tells you not to wear.

I tapped her on the shoulder to get her to move and she didn't. So I grabbed her shoulder and yanked it back. She let out a little squeal and stumbled back.

I stepped forward and looked at the douchebag. His eyes were pink and he smelled like skunk. He sat up a bit and fixed up his hair. "Can I help you?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and gave him the "are you serious" look.

"You're in my seat. Get up." I commanded. And he just laughed at me. I'm not taking any shit from him.

I took a step closer to him and he immediately stopped laughing. "I'm not asking asshole, I'm telling. Now move it." I said, sternly to him. His expression dropped and he started to get up. I watched him go back to his seat and he just looked up me. I pissed him off. Haha.

I took my seat and everyone at my table was staring at me but then quickly looked away after I noticed. Except for the quiet girl, Tate. She was still staring, then she looked away giggling.

Ally looked at me and said, "Dude you just made him mad. You're gonna get your ass kicked now."

"I'm not afraid of him," I said with confidence.

"Yeah right." She said, leaning back in her seat. It's day three and I already don't like her. She needs to stop being an asshole and lighten up a bit.


The teacher gave us our first project and it was to draw either a landscape or object out of pencils. Kinda odd.

Anyway, we got to work and there was talking here and there but mostly a quiet day.

Ally, Bailey, and Amy were talking about their classes and how their teachers are so funny. Tate was being quiet as usual, no change there.

Tony, Evan, and Ron were also chatting with each other. Something about sports.

I just sat there, in my seat, working on my project. I couldn't help but listen to the boy's conversation since they were the closest to me.

"And then I dunked it. It was so cool. That's how we won because of me." Tony said to Evan.

"I play golf," Ron said.

"Shut up Ron." Tony spat out. "Not to be mean Ron by you're really annoying today."

I hope Ron didn't take that to personally. I know it's only the third but I'm starting to really get this table's humor and how it works. Ron is like the guy that everyone can make fun of and he won't take it too personally, he'll just laugh with us.

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