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Song: Sex

Mereck's POV

The car ride back home was awful. JT didn't dare to look at me. And Noah, I bet she was confused as hell. I wish she knew, but JT told me not to tell her, which is messed up.

When we got back to the house, the two girls went upstairs for something, I don't know, girl stuff, leaving me downstairs, alone.

After I put the turkey in the freezer, I retreated back to the living room and started watching some stupid show on Netflix. And after maybe 10 minutes go by, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I turned my head to see that it was JT. As our eyes connected, I gave her a frown.

She snapped back with her sister type attitude, "What?" Is she dumb?

Turning my head back to the TV, I answered, "Don't act dumb, Joan."

Suddenly appearing in front of me, she groans, "What's your problem?" Crossing her arms, she raised an eyebrow.

I narrowed my eyes, "I'm not I'm the one with the problem here," I stated, pointing at myself. "You've got some explaining to do," I said, turning off the TV as I stood up, towering over her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mereck."

I explored. "Do not play dumb with me, Joan!" My tone grew louder. "I f*cking caught you red-handed kissing Ashton in the store—" She cut me off by covering my mouth with of her hands.

"She'll hear you." She quietly said almost as a whisper.

I slapped her hand away, "You're sick, you know that? This is f*cked up, you are f*cked up!" I ranted, but she looked like she didn't seem to care. "How long has this been going on?" I asked her, trying to calm down. But her answer made me furious.

"Since the beginning of October", she put her head down. Rage in my eye, I leaned over to her level.

"October what," I asked, my eyes boring into her.

I could tell she was too ashamed to admit it. So I said it to her.

"You guys hooked up on the day Noah was raped," I spilled.

Slowly, she nodded.

I got in her face, "How could you do this to her!" She covered my mouth, again I slapped it away. "I can hear the shower going, she can't hear us!" She froze when I yelled. "Do you do this to everyone you date?!" I backed away and started pacing.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, sternly.

I looked at her like she was crazy, "They guy you were dating before you met Noah? Ring a bell?" She didn't answer. "Then you started hanging out with Noah, I remember when he found out about you two, and he was furious," I stated.

"Why do you even care, Mereck?" She burst, catching me off guard for a moment.

I narrowed my eyes, "Because Joan, I'm Noah's friend, I care about her and what she's been through, I was there when she needed me," I ranted. "But where were you, hooking up with Ashton behind her back." I got in her face again

"You are a f*cked up piece of sh*t," I said through my teeth. I finally back away to look at the monster before me.

I shook my head in disgust.

"Tell her before I do it myself."

I walked off.


Noah's POV

When I got out of the shower, something didn't seem right.

As I made my way down the stairs, I saw JT on the couch watching TV, but no Mereck. I shook it off and walked over to her.

She noticed me and scooted over to make me a seat. She didn't seem too happy either.

"Hey," I reached my hand out and cupped her cheek. She looked at me with pure sadness. "What's wrong,"

She looked down at her feet and shrugged. I lift her chin with my two fingers and our eyes connected. I gave her a sympathetic smile and she grinned.

"I and Mereck had a fight, that's all." She explained, she frowned.

Then moved onto her lap as I was straddling her so she was forced to look at me. I cupped both of her cheeks, "Wanna talk about it?" I offered but she declined and shook her head.

Then I leaned my head down and placed my lips on her neck, leaving a small trail of kisses up to her ear.

I heard her moan and gasp as I got to her collar bone area.

I felt her hands making their way up my waist and on my lower back.

I got under her jawline and that's when she got feisty. She wrapped her arms around me and laid me on the couch, she hovered over me and took over, kissing my neck.

Her hands under my shirt, her legs tangled with mine, her hair in mine.

Suddenly, she crashed her lips onto mine, roughly. Going deep her tongue danced with mine. And she ended it with bitting my bottom lip, teasing me.

I smirked as she back away and eventually stood up from the couch, leaving me out of breath.

I laughed to myself and stayed there for a while.

And I guess I fell asleep after that.

Only to be woken up by JT several hours later.

She offered to drive me home and I accepted. And she did, dropped me off, gave me a kiss and drove off, leaving me alone at my empty house.

But I stayed outside for a bit, looking down the street, only to think that Gray's place is only three houses down.

His lights were on, he's home.

No, don't.

I went inside. . .

My house.

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