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21 | Eyes on Him
Song: Wild Hearts
By: R5

August 26, 2018

Finally, it's Friday. I can't wait until the weekend. I can just relax. JT went on a class field. I don't know what class though. But she went for extra credit.

I don't know if Ashton wants to hang out this weekend. I'm sure he's busy.

*Clap, clap, clap!*

"Noah, are you even listening?" Ron asked. I blinked a couple of times and rubbed my temples. "Um no, sorry," I said, quietly. "What did you say?"

He sighed and said, "I said, we need to finish the poster tomorrow, I know it's due next week but if we finish early, we get extra credit." He stated.

"Who cares about extra credit?" Mereck said. He looked annoyed with him as usual.

"We all do, Mereck," I said, sternly. He gave me a glare before he got up and asked to go to the bathroom.

I looked back at Tate and Ron. "Let's finish this," I said.

25 minutes later-

"It's looking pretty good, I got to say," I said while standing up with my hands on my hips. I smiled, "I think we're done." I looked over at Mereck who was just sitting in his seat the whole time we worked. He was on his phone. My smile became a straight line.

We rolled up the poster and walked over to the teacher's desk, leaving Mereck at the table. "Ms. Jones, we finish our poster," I said whilst handing it to her.

"Wonder work, thank you." She said. We all went back to the table. When I sat down, I just looked at Mereck. Still on his phone.

I snapped my fingers a couple of times in front of his face. He suddenly smacked my hand away. Ouch.

I grabbed his phone out of his hands. "Give it back, Baker!" He shouted. I'm surprised the teacher never heard him shout. You could get away with murder in this class.

"No." I simply said. I had an evil smirk on my face. He looked pissed.

He tried to grab it but he missed and fell forward. I started laughing my ass off. He fell face-first on the table.

He sat back up and crossed his arms in frustration. He was looking away when I set his phone on the table and said, "Put it away." With a smirk.

He did.


I won this round.

Then one of his friends called his name. He got up and went over to his crowd, leaving me alone with Tate and Ron.

"So...." I started. Ron looked up at me. Tate, as usual, kept her head down.

"Anyone busy this weekend?" I asked, slowly.

"I'm free," Ron said with a smile.

"Wanna hang?" I shrugged.

"Yeah sure." He said.

"Cool, um what's your last class of the day?" I asked, leaning over to him.

"Spanish 3." He said. "Room C-203."

"Ok, um do you want to follow me in my car or....-"

"I take the bus." He simply said. He looked embarrassed.

"That's okay um we can take my car, I'll drive you home after." I offered, hoping he would take it.

He smiled and said, "awesome."

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