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9 | Is That My Sweatshirt?
Song: September
By: Earth, wind & fire

August 9, 2018

I woke up in a different room that I've never seen before.

I looked at the hand clock that was across the room.

5:30 am. Ugh.

It's already Wednesday. Damn.

I need to shower, I stink. This random room had a bathroom so that was good. I turned the water on and started taking off my shirt but I realized that I have no set of clothes.

I went back into the room and started looking in the closet and dressers. All I found was one of Grayson's sweatshirts that he wore like once and some rest small shorts that he might have had when he was younger.

I took them with me and set them on the counter. I took off my pants and totally forgot that Grayson put a wrap on my knee when I skinned because of of...him.

But I couldn't get the wrap wet so I took it off. Thank God it didn't hurt coming off. It already had a big scab on it.

I stepped in the shower and started washing my hair because it's a greasy mess, like me.

After about 20 minutes, I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself.

After I dried off my knee I wrapped it back up and put on the shorts. The shorts on me were like girly girl short, like the very short ones that I don't like wearing. They were blue with white lace, they were comfortable and fit good. But when I put on the white sweatshirt, it was big and long, long enough to cover my shorts.

Great now it looks like I'm half naked.

I wrapped my hair in the towel and walked out of the bathroom. I checked the time and it was 6:15 am. Grayson's probably up. I thought.

I left the bedroom and made my way down the stairs.

I didn't hear anything going on in the kitchen. I turned the corner and sure enough, nobody was there.

I managed to find Grayson's room and quietly open the door. And there he was, sleeping peacefully.

It's already 6:45, I should wake him up.

I rested my hand on his shoulder and softly wiggled it. Soon enough his eyes popped open.

I was expecting for him to say good morning but what I got was, "Is that my sweatshirt?"

I pulled it up a bit to show him, "and shorts."

When I looked back up before he knew I was looking at him, I saw that he was taking a good look at me. Yeah, he went up and down.

"Well make yourself comfortable." He said, jokingly. He got up out of his bed receiving his abs and tan body. I couldn't help but stare. He didn't notice anyway, he was too busy fixing his morning hair.

I left the room to go dry my hair.


(10:37 am - Block 2)

There are only about 25 more minutes of English. It's only been two days and English has already drained me. Not the people just the class itself.

But I have a goal today. I'm gonna ask JT if she wants to go to the party and be my new friend.

"Since we got done with the lesson much earlier then I anticipated, you guys can chill until the bell rings." The teacher said while sitting down at her desk.

This was my chance.

Some people in the class sat with their friends and talked while JT just sat in her desk on her phone.

Okay, now I have a conversation with her. Oh, wait. I totally forgot that I still have her bracelet. She'll be so happy once I give it to her.

I stood up and slowly made my way to her.

She looked up straight away when I stood in front of her desk. I took a deep breath.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi. Noah right?" She said.

It warmed my heart that she knew my name. I don't know why but I blushed right in front of her.

I started to become nervous so I panicked and started speaking faster than I usually do.

"Yeah! Um, so I was wondering if we could become friends because well it's only three days into school. Oh, and I wanted to give this back to you." I handed her her scrunchy. "You dropped in the other day in health so yeah here you go."

She smiled when I handed it to her. She just laughed at my foolishness. "Yeah I would love to become your friend, you seem really funny."

I blushed even more. Why am I blushing so much?!

"Cool, awesome. Um ok, thank you." I started to walk away but she grabbed my arm.

"Hey, why don't we hang out?" She offered.

Clueless me says, "where?"

"How about your place." She seemed so chill and relaxed.

"Oh ok, I'll have to ask my friend, he drove me to school today," I said. Oh no my hands are shaking.

"Oh, so your boyfriend huh?" She asked. I was shocked by her answer.

"What. No. He's my friend, we've been friends ever since we were little." I stated.

She nodded and said, "Well here's my number." She tared a small piece of paper from her notebook and wrote it down. "Text me if he says yes." She said. I nodded and walked back to my seat.

I used the last 10 minutes to text Gray.

Me: Hey, Gray can you drop me and a new friend out at my house after today?

Gray: yeah, of course, and who's the new friend?

Me: Her name is JT and she's really nice. See, I told you I would get a friend to go to the party with!

Gray: Did you really remember to ask her or did you forget?

Me: Damnit I did forget.

Gray: Ask her when you get to your house.

Me: ok. See you at lunch?

Gray: Oh I thought you would be hanging out with asshole Ashton?

Me: I guess he's not here today. Remember he wasn't in Algebra this morning?

Gray: oh yeah I forgot. But yeah lunch.

The bell rang.

Gray: Have fun in art.

Me: Yeah thanks 😎

Gray: 😎👍

I grabbed my back and headed to the art class.

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