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Hey guys. So remember how I said this story will end in the 30s well I don't think so anymore. It's now heading for 40s or 50s. ;)

Anyway, this chapter gets twisted.


-jea 🖤

29 | Blue
Song: Colors
By: Halsey

Gray's POV

I was parked outside of Ben's house.

My hands with sweat forming from my palms now dripping down the stirring wheel. My entire body feels stiff yet covered in goosebumps at the thought of Ben touching Noah. My lips and eyebrows in the form of a line. My lips dry. I feel like a madman.

I focused my gaze on his front door before getting out of my car. I saw that there were no cars in the driveway except for his, perfect.

I got up to the door and noticed it was locked. I've been here before so I know where the spear key is. Under the doormat. I soon unlocked the door and carefully yet quietly entered the house.

I look around the house to make sure nobody else is home. I carefully made my way through the living room enter the hallway. At the end of the hallway was Ben's room, I can hear music blasting. I slowly began to walk towards his room. His bedroom door was slightly open, could you help me to see he was close to the door. He wasn't, he was on his bed while on his phone.

To see you seeing him laugh at something made me disappointed. I can't believe it, after being friends with him since freshman year, he decides to do this to my best friend, a girl that he didn't even know, a girl that didn't deserve it.

He jumped as I enter the room. His smile faded but then reappeared as he started laughing out of fear. He immediately got off his bed and stood in front of me, "Hey Grayson," he dragged the 'y'. "How did you get into my house?" He laughs out.

"Spear key." I simply said to him.

"What are—" he paused looking at my stern face. "What's going on?" He smiled like a fool.

I took and deep breath and stepped closer to him, making him seem uneasy and more afraid.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Ben?"

He postures changed and so did his eye contact. He looked at the floor and to the side, avoiding my death glare. He then loosened up, clearing his throat, he fake smirked as he giggled out, "No."

Then something clicked in me because the next thing I did was completely out of my control. I grabbed both his shoulders and pinned him against the wall next to his bed. He first squirmed, "What the f*ck, Grayson?!" He yelled, his face now turning red and eyes filling with fear. "You're so sick, you know that?" I hissed through my teeth. He squirmed even more, now kicking my legs hard with all his strength. "What are you even talking about!" Ben squealed out, his breathing getting heavy.

I got in his face with my nose touching his, I breathe out. He closed his eyes tightly and suddenly started breathing fast and heavier. It's like he knew what was coming. "Why'd you do it, Benny?" I growled with my lowest voice. He panicked, "I-I" He hesitated. Through my teeth, "Say it." I demanded.  He opened his eyes and shook his head fast. I blew a fuse and suddenly, without thinking I wrapped my hand around his throat, lifting him off the ground and up in the air. His feet dangling while he tried to make me let go by using his hands to make an airway through mine.

"I'm...s-sorry, " He chocked out. I tightened my grip and got in his face once again. "For what."

"I raped her, I'm sorry." He gasped again and again until, at the very last second, I let go making him fall to the ground. But as soon as he looked up at me, I collided my fist with his face, hitting him right across his left cheek.

"If you ever, " I punched him again, "touch her" and again, "or lay a finger on her, " and again, "YOU WILL GET A LOT MORE THAN THIS!" I sucker punched in his stomach and completely fell over. Grabbing his stomach as he bled out onto his own floor, he slowly was gasping for air. And before I left, I took one last look at him lying there, curled up in a ball of misery. I finally said to him, "Have a nice day, you mother f*cker."


The next morning--

Noah's pov  - October 17, 2018

I woke up at 6:00 am, bright and early. My eyes hurt, so did my head when I got up too fast. I feel bland and weak from everything that happened to everything I'm feeling, it's draining me. 

Why would he leave again? It doesn't make sense, he doesn't make sense. 

Whatever happened to us? What made us turn on each other? 

Then I realized I was in my car, I had my hands on the wheel and my keys in the ignition. I had a place in mind to go but I wasn't sure. It's Wednesday, right? No, Thursday? I don't remember. I was already pulling out of my driveway and on the road. Passing my neighbor's house, I would see figures through the windows. I drove by the house where I saw Grayson and Olivia kiss.

How his hands were on her hips and her arms wrapped around his neck. 

This sudden thought made me step on the gas and speed through the neighborhood. My hands gripping the wheel tight, my teeth grinding on each other, I bite the inside of my cheek as I get to the end of the road and turn onto the highway. 

I don't care anymore, I have to see him. I hope he's there. 

Finally, turn left onto the street. I pull up to the building and get out of my car. 

But before I walk in, I stare at the sign. Bella's Cafe.  I gulp.

As I slowly opened up both doors, I take notice that the place has changed. New colors on the walls, new tables, new flooring, everything was new and fresh. But what disappoints me is that my paintings were not on the walls anymore. What? Why would he-

"Noah," a voice came into the room. Hearing footsteps approach my way, I turn my head to see Gray. I stared at the blue-eyed man before me.

All I can do is smile, smile and pretend that everything is okay. Pretend that his knuckles weren't covered in dry blood, pretend that we never fought, he never got drunk, I was never mad.

All I needed was him. Not Mereck or JT or Ashton.

I slowly approached him. All I desired was his touch. Hoping that he won't reject me like the last time, I stood right in front of him and wrap my arms around his neck this time. Waiting for his arms to be around my waist, I hang off of him, sinking my face into the crook of his neck while I listen to the patterns of his breathing. He was calm yet tense.

What happened to us? I wish we could go back. Go back to when we were young and naive, we didn't care about anyone or anything. But we cared about each other. On a different level, a different meaning.

Back when we used to use hang out here while he worked and I did my homework. It was perfect.

But highschool changed us.

I felt his arms hesitate to move up. He was thinking about it.

I waited but nothing happened. We just stood there for a few and then I slowly pulled away. His face looked cold, he wasn't looking me in the eyes.  I cupped both his cheeks, forcing him to turn his head towards me. His cold stare met my innocent eyes, his lips slightly parted, his whole body tense. I looked down in defeat, Gray is too far gone. Then I felt his hands on both my wrists, pulling them off his cheeks. I looked up, our eyes met and before I could say anything, he leaned in and his lips pressed against my own.

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