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Guys, there are only 7 chapters left. It's officially confirmed, Noah Baker is coming to an end.

I'll keep you updated.

Enjoy this chapter.
-jea 🖤

35 | Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday. You go in skinny and come out fat, what a great experience.

It was 6:00 pm and Mereck's mom and dad were already setting the table. Mereck, JT, and I waiting in the living. But again, it was mostly Mereck and JT doing all the talking, I was observing them as they acted.

It was likely more argue small talking, Mereck kept wanted to talk to JT but she would reject or ignore.

She told me they had a fight, but she didn't tell what it was about and it's feeling like to me that it really affected her.

She's setting the mood to gloomy.

"Kids come to the table!" Mereck's mom called from the kitchen and we all made our ways to the table, with me taking the seat in between Mereck and JT and the parents sat on the other side.

The turkey looked amazing in the middle, already precut and everything. To the left of it was stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and on the right, Buns, salt and pepper shakers, butter of course, and others.

I put everything on my plate and it was delicious. But I looked over at JT and she looked sad and at Mereck, he looked annoyed.

This went on for another 10 minutes of us five just sitting and eating quietly. Thanksgiving at the table includes talking and NOBODY'S TALKING.

I would glance up at the parents at times and their eyes were glued to the food while they ate, then at Mereck. I saw his arm twitch and his jaw clench before he suddenly rose.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He spat and quickly took off, disappearing into the hallway. I looked back at the rest of the family and they didn't seem fazed, then looked back. I need answers. Grabbing my glass, I stood up as well, "I'm going to get more ice." Mereck's mom offered, "I can go get some for yo-" I cut her off.

"No, I got it," I said, making my way down the hallway. Thank God the end of the hallway leads to the kitchen.

I stopped in front of the bathroom door and quietly knocked. I watched as the knob slowly turned and the door soon revealed an annoyed Mereck. I pushed it open and closed it quietly behind me, before placing the glass on the counter.

I turn to Mereck and notice he has an indescribable look on his face.

"What?" I spat, only to be stunned at my own time afterward. He looked shocked. I put my hands on his shoulders, "Sorry I'm just- I can't think straight tonight," I looked him in his curious eyes. "I- I know it's none of my business, but I need to know what you guys were talking about the other day,"

He gave me a confusing look. "JT has been very gloomy and sad for days, she said that you guys had a fight and she doesn't want to talk about it with me so that leads me to you,"

He still had that look on his face, then I got angry.

"Stop looking at me like that?!" I snapped, making him flinch and I immediately regret it.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed to myself. "I'm sorry-"

His hands snaked around my waist and everything went fast before I knew it his lips crashed onto mine but I quickly pushed him off, making him stumble back and slam into my wall, hard, making a big sound.

I gasp as I heard the bang and the sudden footsteps approaching the hallway, I locked the bathroom door and stepped back. My heart racing, fast, my breathing uneasy as I heard knocking on the door.

"Mereck! What's going on in there?!" Mereck's mom yelled from outside the door.

"Nothing! I just fell!" He covered. "I'll be out in a sec!"

Then the little space fell silent again, I turned my head towards him and gave him a look. I shook my head at him before storming out of the bathroom and the house with yelling and confusion behind me.


"Where is she going?"

"Why is she leaving?"

As I drove off in my car, a single tear left my eyes and trailed down my cheek.

What is happening? Why did-
Why would-




I pulled up to my house and got out, standing in my driveway, I scream my heart out, my feelings out, my emotions, thoughts.

"F*CK!" I SCREAM at the top of my lungs. I probably just woke up the entire neighborhood.

I fell to my knees and cried, hard.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Mereck's number. It went to voicemail which is what I wanted.

Then I ranted, "What were you thinking, Mereck! What's wrong with you! My life is already hard enough, okay?! You know, I thought you were the only one who was always going to the good one, the one who always has my back, whether I never asked for help or I did, you were there when I needed you. BUT THIS IS NOT WHAT I NEED, MERECK! WHY DID YOU KISS ME?! GRAY ALREADY KISS ME ANYWAY AND THAT SCARED ME A LOT. YEAH, I CHEATED ON JT AND YEAH I FEEL TERRIBLE BUT I LOVE GRAY, I LOVE GRAYSON LYNN AND IF YOU CAN'T GET THAT THROUGH THAT HEAD OF YOUR THEN F*CK YOU!"

I hung up and without thinking, I went into my house and to bed.

...I love him.

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