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38 | Noah and Her Nervousness

Noah's POV

Never in my life have I realized how much I care about another person other than my mom.

When I was at the polar with Mereck, he made me realize that it's been there. That feeling you get when you love someone, it was always there, just hiding.

I have never felt more happier figuring that out.

But, I still have JT.

Looking over my shoulder, I see her in one of the isles looking at shoes.

We're at the clothing store, looking at dressed for the dance. She dragged me here. I ask if I not come with her, I hate shopping. But she denied all my fake excuses and made me come.

I looked back at the dress in front of me. I was red and maroon with sparkles. To the side of it was a bland blue dress, it didn't have much flare but it seemed like me. I took it off it's hanger and moved on to the next isle.

Nothing spoke to me like the ones hanging over my arm. I exited the isle and started to walk towards JT, who was apparently talking on the phone. As she saw me, I motioned her that I was going to try my dresses on. She simply gave me a thumbs up.

Nodding, I make my way to the dressing rooms. The lady at the front gave my stall number and let me go through.

When I entered, I sat down my phone on the chair and hanged up the dress on the door. There was a mirror on the wall too.

I stripped down to my undergraduates and put on the red dress. Now, it was a little tight around the waist and chest area, and for me, I want to be comfortable in THOSE areas, so it was automatically a no.

I expected the blue dress to be plain and boring but as I put it on, it was comfortable, on the chest and waist area.

Wow. I thought. This is really nice.

Gray would like this.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards my stall and sooner there was some knocks. It was JT.

I let her in and she closed the door.

She told me to turn around and rate her on the dresses she picked, so I did.

She didn't see the dress I have on?

Minutes later, she says to turn around. As I did, I was taken back by the sight before me. My mouth wide open, like I was catching flies. I felt hot.

"What do you think?" She asked. I just basically said yes automatically.

I can't even describe how beautiful and flattering it was.

I uncontrollably lick my lips by accident and she noticed.

She immediately pushed me against the dressing room wall and I gasp at the loud bang my back made when it hit the stall wall. I look at her and let out a laugh as she joins in. And as I just distracted with my laughter, I feel JT hands slip under my shirt, gripping at my bra, which automatically made me freeze.

My eyes widened as she smirked. I soon gripped her wrist, pulling her hands away to make them let go, which she did.

Then she got closer to me, her lips only centmeters away from mine.

"What's the matter baby, you don't like that?" She softly whispers, feeling her hot breath on my lips made me have goosebumps and shivers down my legs.

Is she teasing me?

She never kissed me, after that she backed away and told me we're leaving the soon after changing out if the dress I agreed on.

She didn't say anything about my dress though.


Sorry this chapter was really short.

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