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39 | More different than I knew
Song: Shallow
By: feat. Fleurie, BEAUTIFUL COVER

It was 6:00 pm. The dance starts at 7:00 pm. And for some reason, I'm nervous. Not only will I probably him there but he'll see with JT.

He'll get confused and or frustrated and I don't want him to go through that without knowing the truth.

Man, I haven't seen him since we kissed. I wonder how he is. What's he doing. What's he doing right now. Probably with Olivia.

This is all my fault. I should've just told him what I and Ashton were talking about at the beginning.

But I wasn't out yet, and I didn't feel comfortable talking about it with him, for some unknown reason.

While I waited for JT to come and pick me up, I got ready a little earlier than I usually would for events like this.

I put on my dress, my black leather boots but no makeup.

I've been told many times that I don't need to make up, that I have natural beauty. I only wash my face and put on chapstick. Classic. My favorite.

6:30 pm.

The time passes and I start to contemplate.

I wonder if Gray is even going. Should I ask him? Should I walk over to his house?

No I shouldn't.

I lay down on my couch and let my body sink into it as I get lost in my own thoughts.

I wonder if the memory of our kiss is haunting him too. Like how it did to me. It made me paranoid, nervous, anxious even.

I've thought about him for days. Thinking if I'll ever see him in person at the dance.

He's been on my mind.

In my thoughts.

In my dreams.

My life is hard without him and it's amazing with him.

But JT made me realize I was something more, more than straight.

But Gray has always been there.

He never left.

Gray's taking over my mind.

A sudden knock at the door caused me to flinch and bolt towards the door.

I opened the door to see JT all dressed up in her sparkly dress.

And before I knew it, we were off to the dance.


Seeing the school from a distance with glowing colorful lights everywhere seemed okay. But as we pulled up, seeing closer that people were standing in front of the large gym, made me nervous. Many crowds, much talking.

The car soon stopped and I immediately became nervous, my hands were shaking for some reason.

I watched as JT got out first and eventually went over to my side of the car to open my door. I said thank you to her as I stepped out, only to be greeted with a cold breeze, hitting my shoulders.

JT put her arm around mine before we started to walk towards the large gym.

The chattering and laughs from others soon were the only thing I could hear. JT pulled me through the crown and until we met up with the end of the line to get in.

JT let go of my arm and took out her phone. I think she was texting someone but I didn't think anything of it. I was too busy around me, seeing if I could find him and his date.

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