Chapter 1: "The Start"

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"Ah the fresh air" I breathed out, as I laid back on my small boat. I'll sure miss this island. So many things happened here. I wonder what Ace's up to these days. Ah I miss Luffy already!

I sat back up and started rowing with the little oars, gliding through the sea smoothly. I was out. Finally, I can demonstrate my power and chase my dream. All these years of training are gonna show up. I rowed and rowed and rowed until I noticed a rather large island. I decided to pull up to its port and have a look around. 

If I'm going to start recruiting people for my crew, then I should look hard and try to find worthy people. 

Stepping out of the tiny boat, I fixed my clothes. I travelled through the market and bought some stuff to eat while looking for some people to join my crew. 

As I was strolling, I found myself in front of a huge Navy Base, it looked like it had a prison. Shrugging it off, I continued with my journey, however, I came to a halt. A sudden realisation hit me as if it was a bullet. 

A prison = criminals. Criminals= bad people. Bad people = pirates.

"There ought to be pirates in there. Maybe I can select a strong one to be my first addition" I thought out loud, as a huge smile covered my face. I sneaked over to the side entrance and peeked through, security was tight. Thinking for a moment, I decided to just go for it and sneak in. I went over to the entrance and lured the guards away. 

Rushing over to the entrance, I started beating up any Marines that came my way. Then I proceeded to go to inside the prison. I peeked in through the door and looked towards the counter side. 

Sat on a chair, was two navy soldiers, I guess they were the wardens. Sneaking up to them slowly, I hit both of them on the back of the head and they fell unconscious. I went over the papers and looked for prisoners. Scanning them quickly, a peculiar individual caught my eye. I stared at the picture. 

"It's Marsh Winsol . What's he doing here?" I muttered to my self. "Looks like I caught some big fish! I'd never thought I'd see him here, the guy with a bounty of 30 Million" smirking, I got up, it was time to persuade him to join my crew. "Prisoner number S-46801" I read. He had long silver curly hair that reached up to his shoulders. He had strong, sharp features and he looked smart. 

Deciding to go and find him, I gathered my stuff and wandered through the hallways of the prison. I reached the cell that the person I was looking for was in and I looked inside. 

"Hi" I said and looked at him. He turned his head upwards and stared at me. 

"What do you want?" He asked, his voice rather raspy and annoyed. "No need to be rude. I'm Y/n and I'm looking for people to recruit for my crew" I explained.

"And?" He nodded.

"I want you to be a member of my crew" I announced. He rolled his eyes and laid on his back.

"Leave it, I'm not joining some weak pirate that will probably die before they get to the Grand Line"

"'Weak pirate' I suggest you look into who I am first then assume my power. I don't need rude and pathetic people like you in my crew" I shrugged my shoulders. He laughed and turned away from me. I scoffed and started going to the entrance. "Guess I'll have to find someone else, maybe there's someone strong in this prison" I said and started walking back to where I was. All of a sudden, I heard a loud voice from the other end.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" Shouted a navy officer.

"Oh damn! Gotta run" I sweat dropped. The marine guy pressed an emergency button and soon, the whole prison was out to get me. I ran out to the yard and was met by a huge crowd of marines who all had weapons.

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