Chapter 14: "The Plan"

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A while later, the coast was opposite us. Strolling in, we wandered through the ship trying to find where the rest were.

"Phonz! Winsol! Midori!" I shouted their names.

"Captain? You're back already? Did you get Iori?" asked Winsol as he walked in.

"No. The situation is more confusing than I thought," I shook my head, wandering into the meeting room. "Tell the others we have an emergency meeting now," I said and sat down on the sofa.

Sometime later, everyone gathered and faced each other seriously. Taking a deep breath, I explained the whole story.

"So, this young man is going to tell us about this island?" stated Winsol.

"Uh, yeah," he nodded. Isla, me and Marcus sent him a glare and told him to continue. "This island is actually one of the largest islands in the Grand Line. It is split into 2 countries, the Thundercloud Country and the Flower Country. There are certain resources/plants that only grow in one country or the other so every year they do a huge exchange since minor trading is illegal or any contact between the populations for the matter. We are in the Flower Village, ruled by King Alvyn and his two siblings, and just east of here is the Thundercloud village," he said.

"By his siblings you mean Elvina and Alfred?" I asked.


"Elvina and Alfred?" asked Winsol.

"They're the ones who attacked us earlier," answered Marcus.

"I-I thought they were pirates," said Phonz quietly.

"They're not. Since this island is at the start of the Grand Line, many weak pirates pass through our seas. So to ensure that those stupid pirates don't do anything in the Country, Elvina and Alfred both go out and rob those pirates," he explained.

"Are you from here, ...-" started Winsol.

"Jun, and yes, I am from here," he replied.

"We still don't know the location or time of the exchange so we need to hurry and make a plan to rescue Iori," said Isla.

"Where is the most likely place that this would happen?" asked Phonz with a trembling voice.

"In the Ice Valley. It's right in the middle."

"Since you know where it is, we're counting on you to take us there," said Marcus.

"Ok," replied Jun.


"Hold up a damn second," I whipped my head towards Jun and everyone stared. "Why are you helping us. And who are you? And if you're really from here, why didn't you use honorifics at the end of Elvina and Alfred's names?" I asked, raising a brow.

"I am Jun, and I have nothing better to do," He replied.

"So, let me get this straight, you're helping a bunch of PIRATES go against your kingdom's RULES and rescuing one of THEIR crew mates... Nah, I'm just not buying it," I shook my head. Winsol and Isla put their hands over their weapons and the rest of us waited for an answer from the dark haired male.

"I was hoping it won't get to this..." he sighed and took of his glasses. "I am actually a Detective from the World Government. I came here on suspicion of the current King using illegal measures to clone people. In addition to uncovering the mystery behind the woman that was found dead in Ice Valley," said Jun.

"World Government? That means you're our enemy," said Marcus.

"Well not really, I work separately from the marines and such. King Alvyn has been accused of using Cloning techniques that are forbidden by the government, and I'm here to gather enough evidence so that the World Government can arrest him. I was also sent to look into the mysterious death," he said.

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