Chapter 9: "Gas Man"

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"Phonz?!" I questioned. He ran silently until we reached a clearing. He put me and Midori down and gave a slight wave. 

"Hey" He smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, dusting my clothes. 

"A-After that whirlpool accident, I was washed up here" He explained.

"Oh. Good to see you again" I smiled and got down and took my bandana and was about to tie it around my wound when Phonz stopped me. Taking out some bandages, he took my leg and bandaged it. 

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem captain. S-So how did you get here?" He asked

"Oh I got two new crew members. Isla And Iori. They're twins. And good cooks. And I also got a ship" I told him as we sat down. 

"R-Really? That's good. Is this Isla?" He asked and pointed at Midori.

"No no no! Isla is a huge scary woman. She was born from the devil himself. She also has disgusting manners. Honestly, I can't bel-" said Rolo.

"What?" Asked a pissed off voice.

"What I just said! She is honestly like NOTHING like her nice brother. How are they siblings?" He retorted, his arms crossed and shaking his head. 

"You pathetic little shit. I will cut you up and feed you to those snakes!" said Isla, taking out her swords. Rolo let out a scream and ran behind me. 

"Captain please save me from this evil monster" he said and jumped in my arms.

"Captain you're really gonna take his side" said Isla in disbelief. 

There was a short and tense pause.

"Bold of you to assume that I'll protect this little fucker" I said and threw him across the area. Phonz and Iori laughed next to me, whilst Rolo was screaming how he was betrayed and Isla was trying to cut him up. Smirking evilly, I looked down and saw Midori.

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah. It's just that there is only around 4 hours left before they destroy your ship. We have to find it before then" she said. 

"It's okay. Don't worry your little head. Leave it to us" Patting her head slightly, I looked over at Phonz. "You asked why we were here right? I'll cut to the chase. We have to find this stone and give it to these pirates, if not they'll sink our beautiful new ship. And we have to do this before sun set" I explained. 

"Hmm tough position. I-I can help you in locating it don't plan on giving it to them do you" smirked Phonz. 

"I only let intellectuals in my crew" I smirked back.

"Why is he in it then?" Asked Isla. Rolo's small body was laying on the ground, sweating. 

"He's an exception. We need someone to release our stress on" I said. 


"So what's your plan? We only have 4 hours left" Asked Iori. 

"Do you have any ideas?" I asked Phonz.

"I-I have a grasp of the geography of the island. And there, where we just saw the snakes is one of the places I couldn't go in" he explained. 

"How come you didn't see the pirates?" Asked Isla. 

"Oh I operate at night. S-So I think that's why I couldn't meet any of them" he replied, scratching his cheek

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