Chapter 28: "Chaos at the Factory"

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We wasted no time in beating up the crowd in front of us. Although, it was beginning to get very tiring after 10 minutes have passed. Glancing around, everyone held annoyed and tired expressions. If we spend all our time here, we wont be able to have enough energy to fight the main villains. 

"Everyone, don't mind these and just focus on getting inside," I barked out, punching three men in front of me. They nodded at me and we all went our separate ways.

I managed to make it inside after spending another 5 minutes fighting. Hiding behind a pillar, I gaped at the complicated machines in front of me. It was only the entrance and it was already filled with such high-level equipment. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Iori and the triplets entering the building and hiding behind a wall.

Soon, Marcus and Midori came in and Jun followed. I signalled them to meet further inside, away from all the chaos happening in the front of the building. 

Men in suits and lab coats paced back and forth, trying to find us as we gathered in an empty room. 

"The amount of equipment here is crazy," commented Toojin, looking around the room which was decorated with all sorts of drugs and medicines on the walls. 

"They're also surprisingly high-level," added Jun. "There is no doubt we will find evidence in this building." 

Loud voices and stomping footsteps were heard from outside. 

"I guess we have to split up. It'll be impossible to move as a group in these circumstances," I said, leaning on the wall and crossing my arms over my chest.

"She's right," nodded Iori. There was a pause as he thought for a while. "How about this? I'll go ahead with the triplets to look for their mother. Marcus and Midori will go look for the stone and Jun will look for his evidence," he suggested.

"Perfect." I gave him a thumbs up with a smirk. 

"What about Y/n?" asked Marcus, glancing at me. 

"I'm gonna look for Alvyn to give him a good beating," I smiled at him innocently. 

"What you say does not fit your expression," he facepalmed. "Anyway, do you really have to? Let's just do what we have to do and get out of here while we can. Alvyn will be dethroned anyways, so you don't have to go out of your way." 

"I said I'll beat him, so I will. I won't let him get away with all the crimes he's done this easily." I glared at the ground, my hands balling into fists. "And anyway, I still have to drag Elvina back to the ship. I can't believe she ignored her captain like that," I said, disappointment lacing my voice. 

"Are you still hung on her joining?" asked Marcus. 

"Of course. Now let's go before we're found out," I said, opening the door slowly. "Once everyone finishes their tasks, we'll all meet at the ship so we can get out of here." I turned my head to Jun. "And you...I don't know. Do whatever you want." I shrugged. 

They all nodded in response and we promised to meet back at the ship. We beat up some men and took over their clothes, camouflaging ourselves with the rest. Iori and the triplets left first, then it was Jun then me. 

I ventured out into the white, sterilised walls of the factory. There were still plenty of people running up and down the corridors, screaming about intruders and such. Since they were all going into one direction, the main entrance, that means they probably are coming out from somewhere important inside the factory. And that is where Alvyn was.

I went the opposite direction of the running men and found myself outside a large open space in the middle of the building. The place was filled with people wearing lab coats running around and doing all sorts of experiments. They shouted at each other for equipment and chemicals. Rushing around, they all seemed to be on edge, as if the factory was going to explode if they didn't finish whatever they needed to in time.

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