Chapter 5: "Separated"

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We set sail in the calm, dark waters. Phonz went to sleep because he said that he didn't go to sleep for 3 days. Marcus joined him and Winsol kept a look out. I sat on the edge, my arms dangling down the railing, playing with the water softly. I sighed deeply.

"What's wrong? Are you sleepy?" Asked Winsol.

"No, not at all. I'm just, thinking" I breathed out.

"Hm" Winsol nodded and came and sat next to me.

"Captain, how many more members do you want before we go to the Grand Line?" He asked.

"I don't know." I replied dryly.

"Okay then where is our next destination?" He asked again, trying to get me to talk.

"I wanna go get some supplies. We also need a new ship. Is there an island near here where we can get stuff?" I asked him, lifting my head up from the railing.

"I don't know" he sighed and turned his head away. A tick mark appeared on my head as I got mad.

"Only I can do that! I order you to answer me!" I said sternly. He faced me and after about 2 seconds we busted out laughing. 

"There's that smile!" He said, getting up. I looked up at him with a confused expression.

"Captain, don't worry about it. If you need anyone to talk to, just speak to your vice captain" he said proudly.

"Who's that?" I asked playfully.

"Don't joke around with me" he laughed. I laughed with him and then got up as well.

"Thanks, you made me feel better. Now let's both get to sleep so we can bully Marcus and Phonz tomorrow" I chuckled, putting my arm up. Winsol laughed lightly and put his arm on mine. We smirked at each other and each of us went to go to sleep. 

"Seems like I got myself a couple of trustworthy members" I muttered to myself as I drifted to sleep.


The next day, we all got up and started working on our own things. I called them all in for a meeting and sat down on the kitchen table.

"Okay. So, right now, we have Me, Winsol, Marcus and Phonz in the crew. 4 members. A Captain, a Master Gunner, a disappointment and a navigator. I think that's about enough to wreck havoc in the Grand Line. So now, we gotta go and get a ship and some supplies that will last us a long time" I announced, taking a sip of the juice I had. Marcus snarled at me and narrowed his eyes. He was about to say something when he was interrupted by Winsol.

"Wait, surely we need a cook and a doctor and a shipwright" said Winsol.

"Yeah, if we don't then we'll starve to death and bleed to death and might sink" said Marcus.

"T-That's a bit too extreme but he has a point, Captain" Phonz sweat dropped.

"Hm, Yeah. So let's go find a cook first. A doctor and a shipwright can wait" I shrugged.

"I-I agree!" Smiled Phonz.

"100%" said Marcus.

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