Chapter 16:"Ice Valley"

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"We're back," said Marcus as we climbed back onto the deck. 

"Welcome back," said Isla and Midori, who were sat around. Isla was cleaning her swords and Midori was playing with some paint. We told them about the situation and we sat around waiting for the others. 

"This really is the worst," said Marcus. 

"Well, it is the Grand Line," shrugged Isla  

"I know but like, I'm bored."


"Stop acting like little kids. The action will be here soon enough. For now, let's just wait," I said taking a small nap. 


"-/n Y/n, wake up," called Isla. 

My head snapped up as I eyed the area groggily. "What?"

"It's nearly 6am." 

"WHAT?!" I shouted, getting up for real this time.

"Phonz and the others came back a few hours ago but they said we should let you sleep, you're tired. Anyways, you have a meeting with those triplets right? Get ready." 

I made my over to the meeting place and saw the three kids. Waving over at them, they waved back and we were reunited once again.

"Hey guys. So did you get the info?" I asked them smiling. 

"Yep," smiled Toojin, handing me the envelope. I ripped it open and started reading over the contents inside. 

"There were two copies so we just copied it again and stole it," said Sanjin. 

"Good job. Do you wanna come on my ship?" I asked. They declined and said that they have their job to do. "By the way guys, do you have any idea why everyone in town is scared of your mother's name, Alyssa? I said it once in the bar and everyone was shook," I asked them.

"Huh? I'm not sure. Probably because they've never heard the name. I've never met anyone called Alyssa in my life, other than mother of course," explained Unojin.

"Oh...Okay then, you guys. Do your best," I waved and went back to the ship, entering the meeting room with everyone else.

"Here's the envelope I got from Unojin and the others. It lists everything they're giving out here," I explained and turned over to the prisoners list. A photo and description was written there.

"Well, they sure look happy, don't they? Those idiots!" said Marcus as we all sweat dropped at Iori's and Rolo's picture. They were both holding up the peace sign with a cheeky smile on their face.

"I swear to God they're not taking anything seriously," said Isla, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"M-Maybe they're trying to be optimistic? Y-You have to smile at the hard times, right?" said Phonz trying to calm them down. 

"That's a nice quote," said Winsol.

"T-Thanks. My brother used to always say it to me," smiled Phonz back.

"I can't believe even Rolo was captured," said Midori. 

"Anyway. Now that we know that they're giving them away, we can relax. But what's bothering me is...." I trailed off.

"The stone, huh?" finished Winsol. Midori looked down and sighed lightly. 

"I'm sorry. Because of me you have to keep changing your plans," she muttered. Isla put her hand over her shoulder and gave her a smirk.

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