Chapter 12: "Alvyn's Palace"

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Wondering around the castle, we ambled through a large hallway. We heard people talking and walking and we stopped, we hid behind a wall and started spying.

"What do they want now?" asked Elvina, walking with some more ninjas next to her.

"They want the exchange to happen now," said one of the ninjas.

"Why? We normally have it on the same day."

"I'm not sure, but apparently they were attacked by pirates not long ago and are in need of resources from the Flower Country." 

"This is ridiculous," sighed Elvina, looking annoyed. "Well it won't really hurt to get the resources a bit earlier, we also might get more workers from their prisons," she shrugged after a pasue."Tell everyone to start preparing for the exchange." She glanced at Alfred, who nodded at her without saying much.

"Y-You have to discuss with Alvyn-sama first," said the ninja, nervously.

"Oi what are they talking about?" asked Marcus, whispering.

"Shut up," I snapped.

"Just do it. Who knows what will happen if we delay it. You know how those idiots behave," shrugged Elvina, taking out a mirror and fixing her lips.

"H-Hai! We'll go straight away!" said the ninja and walked away.

"What do you think is happening?" asked Isla.

"I'm not sure, but it's got something to do with the whole exchange thing. Maybe they trade resources every year or something, but that's none of our business, we just need to get Iori and run out of here" I explained.

"Wow, you're smart," said Marcus in amazement.

"Obviously. Now let's go find Iori. I'm afraid that he might be getting exchanged too since they said they exchange prisoners" I said.

"We have to get him before then. If he's given to the other country, we might get mixed up in the political problems," said Isla.

"That would be a pain in the ass," said Marcus, and we all started looking for the prison.

"Oi! You there! What are you doing out of position?" shouted a loud voice.

"Shit! Let's run for it before they catch us," said Isla, and we all started running.

"INTRUDERS! CALL THE GUARDS! THEY MIGHT BE SPIES FROM THE THUNDERCLOUD COUNTRY!" shouted the man after us, and suddenly a huge swarm of ninjas appeared out of nowhere and started fighting us. We began fighting and beating up all of them.

"There's no end to them," complained Marcus.

"For now let's just keep advancing to the prison," I said and beat up the ninjas.

"Now now, what do we have here?" said a male voice.

"Kashi-sama!" the ninjas started shouting. This Kashi guy had spiky red hair in an upwards hairstyle and grey eyes. He had a book in his hands and looked somewhat bored whilst approaching us with a smile.

"I can't have you guys running around the castle like that now, can I?" he said and smirked. He was in front of me one second, the other he disappeared.

"Where did he go?" said Isla turning around. That was when he reappeared behind her and tried to punch her, but she blocked him with one of her swords. He jumped back and disappeared and tried attacking me, I blocked his attack and he jumped back to his place.

"You guys are skilled. I see that the Thunderclouders decided to break the rules and send spies to us," he said.

"What are you talking about?" I said as I exchanged blows with him.

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