Chapter 22: "Chaos at the tower"

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"Mark?" I exclaimed, studying his figure whilst shaking him violently. He didn't move an inch. I pulled him up from his collar and began smacking him repeatedly until he woke. 

"I'M AWAKE DAMMIT," he yelled, pushing me off of him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, getting up. 

"This is bad! They took Midori damn it! I have to go get her!" he said trying to get up, but couldn't because his hands had cuffs on them. 

"Hold on. Tell us what happened," I said, helping him up. 

"Us?" he raised a brow. 

"This is Elvina, she's our doctor," I said, pointing at Elvina who was trying to get up as well. 

"I'M NOT JOINING YOU!" she yelled, clearly frustrated.

"Oh, so you managed to find a doctor. Well done, Captain," said Marcus and we both high fived, with Elvina shouting at us in the background. "Anyway, they found out about us and they tried to catch us. They caught Jun and Midori and probably threw them in prison. I managed to escape but I can't remember anything that happened after that," he said, looking around. 

"Well, now that we know everyone is in one place, we just have to go there and smash the prison," I said. Marcus nodded and moved his hands. He raised a brow and then fell on the ground lazily. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked, looking at him confused. 

"I don't know. I tried to use my needles to break these cuffs, but nothing came out. I just feel like my strength is not there any more, like when I'm at sea," he said, laying on the floor. Elvina laughed. 

"You guys are unbelievable! How on earth did you survive up until now? You don't even know about the Sea Prism Stone."

"Sea Prism Stone?" we asked. 

"It's a natural substance that can drain the energy of Devil Fruit users to the point where they can't consciously control their powers. Dr. Vegapunk from the Marines invented it and Alvyn-niisama was able to obtain some of them," she explained. 

"So you can't use your fruit anymore..." said Marcus. 

"Mind if I use force?" I asked him. 

"You won't break it with just force," said Elvina.

"Go ahead," he nodded, ignoring Elvina. I lifted up my leg and brought it down powerfully. Marcus was forced downwards with his hands and he gasped in shock. 

Rubble and smoke lifted upwards from the cracked bricks. I stood with my leg still lifted up slightly from the kick, watching Marcus' hands. A small crack appeared under Marcus' body. I payed it no attention and focused on the cuffs. The crack began expanding dangerously. Suddenly the ground beneath my feet began breaking and I started falling. Elvina's and Marcus' screams were heard as we fell from the third floor of the tall tower. 

Whilst falling, I tried holding onto the rocks however, they broke as well. We crashed through the various floors of the tower, making a huge hole in the middle of each one.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" shouted Marcus, over the rubble. 

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!" screamed Elvina, trying to hold her skirt down with her tied up arms as we all fell.


The whole tower shook as we finally fell to the ground floor. I landed on my legs in squatting position and glanced at everyone else.

Marcus was laying flat on the ground, his arms in front of him. Phonz, who was on the floor below us, also landed on his legs as he fell down as well. My eyes trailed around until they landed on the door connecting to the large dining room from earlier.

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