Chapter 19: "Back At The Palace"

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Phonz observed the sea for a while with a suspicious facial expression then turned to us.

"W-We should dock the ship away from the palace," said Phonz. We nodded and did as our navigator said. Winsol threw the anchor overboard and we secured the ship just behind the castle.

"What shall we do with her?" asked Isla.

"Bring her with us," I said.

"But won't she just slow us down?" she replied.

"Yeah, but if we leave her alone, she'll just escape. Winsol, can you take care of her?" I asked.

"Sure," he shrugged. We tied her with the rope tightly and Winsol threw her over his shoulder.

"W-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" She blushed furiously, kicking her legs.

"Stay still or you'll fall," said Winsol.

"There's gonna be a lot of opponents, are you ready?" I said with a serious look, rolling up my sleeves.

"Obviously," smirked Isla.

"Let's do it," said Winsol after Elvina calmed down.

"I-I'm ready," smiled Phonz.

We stepped out and started walking confidently, circling around the palace. Pulling up to the entrance, we saw a familiar face.

"We've been expecting you," said a voice. At the entrance, Kashi sat on a chair, reading his book and smirking at us when we arrived. We glared back at him and I stepped forwards.

"Where are you keeping Mark and the others?" I asked, still glaring at him. He sighed and got up.

"You seem to be in a rush. Why don't you sit back and...relax," he smirked. Then disappeared.

"This guy can teleport. Be care-" I was interrupted when he reappeared in front of me and tried to land a kick. I blocked his kick and threw a punch but he teleported away. "Why aren't there any guards here?" I asked, looking around.

"It's weird. They knew we were coming so why..." trailed off Isla, thinking.

"Alvyn-sama wants to test you," said Kashi, teleporting on the roof. We gave him confused looks in response. "All pirates that pass through here join Alvyn-sama's guards, but before that, he always puts on a test. If you fail, you're not worthy of joining and you die," said Kashi with an unamused expression.

"So what you're saying is, most, if not all of the palace's guards are former pirates?" questioned Winsol.

"Exactly. If you guys are able to reach the prisoners, it's your win and you'll be able to leave," said Kashi.

"I don't give a damn about your stupid games. Let's go," I said and we all started walking.

"Woah. Hold on. If you want to pass here then you'll have to beat me first," said Kashi, appearing in front of us yet again.

"So annoying," muttered Isla, unsheathing her sword. "Seems like you have to be taught a lesson," she smirked. I glanced at her from the corner of my eyes, questioning her sudden outburst. "You go on ahead. If we all stay here we'll just waste time, so I'll take him on."
After a moment of thought I nodded at her and started strolling towards the entrance.

"Alright then, I'll leave it to you."

"Great," she smirked.

"A-Are you sure? Should we stay and-" spoke up Phonz.

"I'm not that weak, Phonz. I'll beat him and catch up to you guys in a second," she said and gave us a determined look. Phonz nodded and we all made our way inside the castle.

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