Chapter 27: "If you slip, I'll catch you"

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"Hold on....Are we like...gonna be running there?" asked Marcus. We all came to a halt.

"He has a point," shrugged Isla. Our heads slowly turned towards Phonz, who shivered slightly from the sudden attention.

"Y-Yes?" he asked.

"How are we gonna get there?" I asked him. He fiddled around with his fingers nervously.

"We can use the palace's carriages!" said Toojin. We all faced her in confusion. "The palace has carriages on the other side. We can just take one, we'll reach the factory faster," she smiled.

"Alright then, take us there," I said and we all started following her.

Speeding through the halls of the palace, we beat up any of the guards and continued following the triplets. Our eyes landed on the building by the gate. It was spacious and had numerous carriages. Near it was a stable full of horses. 

"Here we are," said Toojin as she went to pet a horses. 

"Let's get on the carriage and go," said Iori. We nodded in response and started getting the horses and the carriage ready. 

"Y/n, what about the ship?" asked Isla.

"After we defeat Alvyn and get everything, Jun's men and the navy will be called here so we need the ship for our escape. Right now, the ship is behind the palace so we should split up into two groups and meet later," I said. 

"I see," nodded Iori.

"T-That won't be possible," said Phonz. We faced him with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" asked Isla

"I-It'll take longer to get to the factory by sea so by the time we dock the ship, you guys should already be done with everything," he explained. 

"How do you know?" asked Marcus. 

"I-I noticed it when we first docked the ship behind the palace. There are many currents surrounding the south of the island so it'll take longer to get to the factory like that," he explained. 

"Ah, that's why you were acting weird when we docked the ship," I commented, to which he replied with his usual nervous smile.

"That's our navigator," smiled Marcus, patting-more like smacking- Phonz on the back.

"So we're splitting up again?" said Winsol, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"That's the only way," I shrugged. "Now, who's going where?" I clasped my hands to get everyone's attention. 

"Hold on, how many people fit in the carriage?" asked Iori, looking over at Toojin. She thought for a moment then spoke. 


"Okay then let's draw lots," said Marcus and started colouring in the straws. "Apart from Phonz, Jun, Y/n and the triplets, let's pick," he said. They all pulled one each and stared down at the colour. Turned out Iori, Midori and Marcus were coming with us and Winsol Isla and Rolo were going with Phonz. 

"Alright then. Now that we know our groups, let's go and finish up everything," I smirked. They all responded with a "Yeah!". "We'll meet you guys in a bit." Winsol and the others nodded in response.

We waved them goodbye and got on the carriage. Unojin sat outside and guided the horses and we began our journey to the factory. 

As we embarked on the journey, the horses galloped tirelessly. The carriage moved left and right as we held our ground trying not to stumble forwards. 

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