Chapter 10:"The Grand Line"

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"Explain" I told Phonz.

"R-Reverse Mountain is the only place where the four blues meet. The water abnormally flows upwards to the middle then downwards towards the Twin Capes. We have to ride the current upwards, however we have to be very careful as many ships are sunk because they are flipped over to the mountain sides and therefore bang into the rocks" explained Phonz.

"Wow, you sure know your stuff Phonz" said Isla patting him on the back.

"That's the first time I heard him speak that long" commented Marcus.

"Okay then let's start preparing" I announced and everyone started preparing for our rough journey.  It wasn't long until we reached our destination. The waters started getting tougher and tougher. The World's Centre was in front of us.

"I-It's here!" Warned Phonz. 

"Take the helm!" Shouted Winsol. 

"I'm on it! Pick up the sails!" I ordered, running up to the helm and steering the ship. Furiously the water splashed on to the ship, moving it violently. 

"Quickly! The ship's gonna flip!" Shouted Iori. 

"You useless idiot! Pull it!" Shouted Marcus. 

"I'm trying!" Shouted back Rolo.

"Shut up both of you!" Yelled Isla.

"There's no time to be wasting! Shut up and get to work!" The helm was stuck. "Oi! There's something stuck to the ship! The helm isn't moving! I'll go check. Take the helm Midori" I ordered. 

"No that's too dangerous" said Iori.

"We're gonna die if I don't go. So shut up and get to work. I'll be back. Throw a rock tied to a rope in the sea and once I tug on it, pull me up" I shouted over the storm and jumped over the railing and into the rough sea. 

Opening my eyes, I searched for what was stopping the ship. The violent sea thrusted me onto the ship. I swam around the ship and found a pile of seaweed covering the small area. Pulling it and ripping it off, the area was clean once again and I smiled at my work. 

That smile was soon wiped off as I noticed that the foot of reverse mountain was around 100 metres away from us. My eyes widened and I swam as fast as I can towards the surface, however because of the strong current, I couldn't swim up any further. My supply of oxygen was starting to get low and I waited for the rope to be thrown off. However, nothing was thrown. 

I tried swimming up again but I couldn't. Cursing at the bastards up there, I tried my hardest not to die. Suddenly, the rope was thrown off and I swam to it and tugged on it. The rope was pulled up and I ascended onto the surface. Iori helped me up and I coughed up some of the water that I had swallowed.


"Sorry 'bout that Captain we were busy" I snarled at them and continued.

"We're entering it! Get ready" announced Phonz. We all held our breaths as we were taken by the waves. We travelled up the mountain, our eyes widening and our jaws hitting the floor. 

What a miracle. This was something amazing and never seen before. I wonder if the Grand Line is like this throughout. I'm getting excited. The ship sailed upwards and once we reached the top, it flew in front and we all smiled widely. The small water droplets reflected the sun light and gave off a large rainbow. Sliding down the miracle mountain, we reached the first destination on the Grand Line, Twin Capes. 

There was a small lighthouse on the right of us. We landed onto the waters and a man was sitting on a chair, reading a magazine I think. He got up and stared at us. We stared back. He stared back once again. We stared back. He stared again, we stared back. He stared-

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