Chapter 1: Goodbyes

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Author's Note:

Hello readers! I am so excited to be continuing Elastic Heart. I can't wait for everyone to read my version of The 75th annual Hunger Games.

I hope you enjoy my second book.


I am rushed into the Justice Building. Peeta holds my hand and squeezes it tight. We are instantly separated once the large doors close behind us.

I am rushed into one of the largest room in the Justice Building. I walk in taking each step slow. A large desk with a black leather chair in the middle of the room.

"Please, Ms. Everdeen. Sit down." The raspy familiar voice says. Giving me a chill down my spine. I would recognize that voice anywhere. President Snow. He turns the chair around and stares at me with his snake-like eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat. I gingerly sit down on the plush chair in front of the large desk.

"I'm watching you Everdeen." President snow threatens. He stands up and starts to roam around the room. "You'll regret living. If I see you planning a rebellion." He says heading for the door. He's trying to scare me? Well, it's working.

I stand up and turn around. "I'll keep that in mind." I reply sticking my nose up and crossing my arms. A smile curls up on his face. He exits the room. I slouch back down on the chair and my heart begins to pound.

The door opens and I don't dare see who it may be. A hand touches my shoulder, it's Cinna. Relief crosses my face and I embrace him. He has a dress bag with him.

"I have an outfit for you." He says stroking my hair. He unzips the bag and pulls out a jewel-embedded dress. He holds it out in front of me. "We have some new procedures this year." No, I was supposed to be sent back in this dress! I need my baby blue dress. He hands me the new dress and I change. He releases my braid and lets my wavy long hair flow.

"Perfect." He says stepping back and admiring his work.

"Peeta is changing as well?" I ask, I don't want to be the only one looking ridiculous.

"Yes. Victors have to look like they are being taken care of by the Capitol." He says sheepishly.

"And my other dress didn't make the Capitol's cut." I reply stepping back looking at myself in the mirror. Cinna nods and kisses me and the cheek and leaves. Once again I wait for the next company.

I stand by the window. Digging my nails into the window sill. President Snow was here, in District 12. It still was unbelievable. Did he know I would volunteer? He made sure Peeta was reaped! He had too! Did he talk to Peeta too? All these questions and assumptions kept racing through my mind. And I didn't know which were true and which President Snow wanted to happen.

The door bursts open. My mother and Prim rush inside and hug me. We sit on the velvet couch and hold each other in our arms. I whisper the first thing that comes to mind. "Goodbye."

"Don't say goodbye. Please come back. You did it once. Maybe you can do it again!" Prim says burying her face between my neck and shoulder. My mother wraps her arms around my waist. And I hold them both in my arms.

"Maybe Prim....maybe." I say doubting my own words. The Peacekeepers come in and rip them away from my grasp. They don't resist like last year. I turn away and the door slightly opens and Delly Cartwright pops her head inside. She walks in almost like I would yell at her if she did.

"Why did you do it?" she says in a mumbled voice.

"I couldn't let Peeta die." I reply.

"I could have died for him." She answers. The words she mouthed to me when I volunteered.

"What do you mean?" I ask stupidly.

"I could have died so he would live and come back. I would take my life for him." She replies. "He is my best friend. I'd do anything for him."

"No. You deserve to live as much as Peeta does. You don't understand the situation I'm in." As I finish my sentence she is gone. Now I just wait. I wait for the one visit I long for. Gale. I wait, and wait but Gale never comes. I stare at the door, hoping it will open and Gale will rush in and tell me I will be okay. Like last year. But he never does.

Peacekeepers come to get me and escort me to the car. I get in and find Peeta and Effie inside. Peeta grabs my hand like before and holds it tight. He's wearing a jewel-bedded suit exactly matching my dress.

We get out and walk into the sliver shining train. Once the doors close we are off. Nothing from stopping the train to go full speed. Me and Peeta don't talk. We walk into the dining room and sit on the chairs like last year. Effie tries to spark up conversations about the chariots. the training, and the interview. But all Peeta and I do is nod and grunt.

"Trust me this year will be amazing! Better than last year!" She finally notices our disconnection and leaves the dining car. Haymitch soon walks in and sits in front of us. He doesn't look like he has been drinking. It's a first.

"Okay! We have a plan." He says sitting in front of Peeta and me.

"We do?" Peeta asks shocked.

"Yes! This year your love is no more puppy-love. It's more than that. It's a serious commitment. You aren't playing this love-struck teen anymore. It's a passionate love. Like when you're on a screen you can feel the romantic tense between you two." He explains. "It won't be hard for either of you now." He says. " Do you want me to get into details?" My face winced.

"No. I think we get it Haymitch." Peeta says noticing my uncertain expression.

"Well, I'm going to go think more about this. Start lining up sponsors." He announces. He hands us the t.v.'s panel. "Here. I suggest you start scoping out your competition."

Haymitch has really found his drive this year. It makes me feel on edge, but hopefully, we could have more help in the arena and not have to almost die like Peeta did last year.

Peeta and I stay up to watch the reapings. District 1 has former Victor Gloss and his sister Cashmere. It must feel horrible to up against a sibling. Yet again, there District 1, they are very competitive. District 2 has former victor Brutus and a 13-year-old girl with pigtails. She might look innocent but 2 is known for being notorious killers. District 7 has former victor Johanna Mason, she's about 22. She won the games by acting innocent and by the final 8 she became a killing machine. District 4 has a quite handsome man. Finnick Odair, a victor. I don't exactly remember much about him. But he is the Capitol's prize possession. District 11 has former victor Chaff and a 12-year-old girl that looks much like Rue. I turn away once I see her reaped and her other sibling tried to hold her back.

I start to fall asleep on Peeta's lap. He carries me to my bed and lays next to me. His warm breath on my neck keeps me tamed and his arms around my waist hold me in his body. Our bodies fit together like a puzzle.

My mind finally find peace.

Until the nightmares come back again.......

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