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"Mother, can you please tell me a story?", the girl pleaded with her mom.

"Love, it's already past your bedtime", the mother smiled lovingly to her daughter as she tucked the blanket upto her chin.

"Please, please?", she tried to make a cute pout for her mother that she knew would always work.

"Oh, okay but promise me that you will sleep after the story".

"I promise", the little girl beamed with happiness when her mother sat beside her bed.

"Once upon a time there was a prince who fell in love with a princess", the lady started her story.

"A princess like me?", the child said with excitement.

"Yes love, a princess like you", she giggled at her daughter's enthusiasm. "And the princess have a dragon as her bestfriend.
The two would laugh together, cry together and have fun together but the prince was a bad man. He doesn't want the princess to be with anyone, specially the dragon".


"So, he decided to capture the princess to hide her from everyone. He put her at the tower of his castle and made a special lock on her door that can only be opened with a special key".

"Key?", her curious gaze made her mother smile.

"This key was the only way to open her door to freedom".

"What is it? What is it?".

She was about to answer the child when a handmaiden interrupted them.

"I'm sorry your highness, but the king requests for your presence".

"Sorry love, but we have to continue the story tomorrow", she turned to her daughter.

"Aaawww", the little girl complained.

"Goodnight, love", she kissed the child's forehead before leaving her room but the princess only toss and turn on her bed.

Her mind lingered on the story and she wanted so badly to know the ending, so she decided to looked for her mother. She was grateful that her nanny was already sleeping on the couch near her bed so she tiptoed out of her room.

She went to the library of the castle where she knew her parents will be, everytime they have something important to talk about. She slowly turned on the knob but didn't opened it fully because she heard them arguing. The door was slightly ajar just enough to hear their voices.

"Linus, she is too young to be betrothed!", her mother was frustrated.

"We don't have a choice, Elaina", her father's tone was full of regret. "Either we accept their proposal or suffer to be the only kingdom without any allies".

"Maybe there's another way?", the queen asked.

"There isn't any. I tried everything to evade their proposition but failed to find one".

"Who asked for her hand?".

"The kingdom of Ettadran, the Giant Isles and the Kingdom of Saecotora, the Enchanted Vale".

"Ettads are known for their strength while Saecots are famous for their enchantments. Do you think she can handle that?".

"Our little girl is strong, Elaina. I have faith in her".

"Who did you accept?".

"The prince of the Saecots".

The little girl was confused by the conversation of her parents. She was about to push the door wide open when her nanny caught her small hand just in time.

"There you are, princess Mara. Let's go back to bed", she carefully removed her hand from the handle and ushered her back on their way to her room.

"But....", the child started to protest while climbing back to her bed.

"No more buts, your highness", she arranged the blanket on top of the child.



"What is a bethrothed?".

"Where did you heard that?".

"From father and mother".

"I think you have to ask them about it", her nanny wasn't sure if it was her position to explain just to fill the curiosity of the child.

"Fine", the young princess' reply.

She momentarily forgot her parents' discussion because her thoughts didn't forget her mother's story. Along with the silence of the night was the child's dream of the princess and her dragon, playing and enjoying their freedom of innocence.



In these series, angels can communicate through their minds so I emphasized it by using italics.

ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now