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“What’s the use of our wings if we’ll not fly?”, Yoongi asked, irritated. They walked along the narrow path, with stones and dried leaves that made noises under their feet’s weight. Tall trees surrounded them as they venture into the depths of the forest.

“You know that we can’t. Unless you want to attract attention?”, Namjoon reminded him. They left Fairyland before the sun boasts of its rays, making sure that no one saw them. He still felt guilty, leaving without talking to Mara, after what happened yesterday. But he knew it was for the best.

He was deprived of sleep last night, thinking about what his youngest cousin had told him, Heaven’s dream. One thing was sure, Mara is in danger. The only thing that appeased his mind was that she was being looked after by Jungkook.

Ever since he met her when they were kids, he was instantly enchanted with her. She was the first female friend he had. He would beg his mother to bring him with her if ever she would visit Fairyland, just so he could see Mara’s pretty face.

His cousin’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

“Jin, are you sure we are taking the right path?”, Hoseok asked, trying to swat a bug that took interest on him.

“Of course”, Jin answered but he was walking with unsure steps. He would sometimes stop and think.

“Jin?”, Namjoon noticed this, so he stopped when they reached a meadow. Tall grass and flowers occupied the clearing. His companions stopped behind him and turned to look at the latter with a raised eyebrow.

Knowing the Jin, his habit of being uneasy shows that the angel was confused or worried. Namjoon wasn’t worried if they get lost in a forest but he was for Heaven, who decided to place herself at the back of the group with her hooded clothing, which made it difficult for him to see her face and she never uttered a word ever since they left. He knew she can fight but a forest is still a forest and no one knew what kind of danger lurks in it.

“Fine, I think we’re lost”, the eldest angel admitted. He sighed and put his hands on his hips.

“You think?! No, shit!!!”, Yoongi was exasperated. His feet hurt and his back was killing him. They had been walking for a couple of hours now after leaving the kingdom.

“Where are we going, exactly?”, Namjoon tried to stay calm. He knew Yoongi was losing his patience even Hoseok was already annoyed with the insects that constantly irritates him. He now, wonders if flying would really put them in danger rather than placing themselves in a very annoying situation such as walking.

“All I could remember is, we have to go through forests to get to Muspar Cave”.

“What? What the hell were you doing and you can’t remember all she said?”, Yoongi blurted.

“We were in an intimate situation and with this power, everytime I kiss someone I can see everything. There were too much going on. Besides, her hand was on my di”.

“Okay, we get the picture”, Namjoon cut him off. They all knew no one can resists Jin’s beauty, especially the female species.

Hoseok and their female companion giggled. The leader turned to her and was curious why she hadn’t put down her hood but think nothing of it. It still covers her head. Maybe she’s just cold. He and his cousins decided to wear black long sleeved shirts, paired with black cargo pants. An attire uniform given by the council for a training or an exercise. The backs of the shirts had two holes in it, same with all of their clothes, where their wings would fit. “Jin, think carefully. Did she perhaps said the name of the forests?”. Right after saying that, Namjoon spun around. His senses are telling him that they were not alone.

ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now