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“Hey, Zyrian, I hope you didn’t give Taehyung a headache when we were away”, Hoseok greeted, as he, Jin and Yoongi entered the room.

“It’s the other way around”, the demon replied while rubbing his temples with his fingers.

“What did I do?”, Taehyung innocently asked while chewing the last chunk of apple he has on his hand. He’s sitting in a crossed leg posture beside the glass wall. It was obvious that he was in the middle of a conversation with Zyrian, and by the looks of it, the demon was having trouble with their little chit chat.

“Tae, where’s Jimin?”, Yoongi asked and the trio sat on the chairs on the side of the long table.

“He’s coming. I...”.

They heard loud thumps outside the door and after a couple of seconds Jimin entered with his hands busily tucking his shirt inside his pants and Jungkook was on his heels.

“Oh no, you didn’t”, Yoongi shakes his head upon seeing his partner’s disarrayed appearance.

“What?!”, the younger angel looked at his cousins with fake innocence.

“Ahm, Jimin, did you by any chance rolled around the grass?”, pointing at the latter’s back with a few shards of grasses mixed with his feathers.

“I had to fetch him, myself, which I had regretted. If I could erase the picture in my mind, seeing your naked ass in the middle of the meadow, I would”, their cousins laughed at the youngest angel’s awkward facial expression.

“Oh shut up!”, Jimin gave up and went to sit beside Hoseok. His cousins already knew that he came from a quick romantic fling with a fairy, who he later found out has a thing with meadows. His indirect admission made them chuckle.

Jungkook chose to sit across Jin, “How about Namjoon?”, he noticed that their leader was still not present.

“Here I am”, the tall angel answered as he walked in the room.

“You always do that and it irritates me”, Jin pouted. Their leader was always good at catching me off guard.

“Not my fault. All of you were so into Jimin’s........”, he turned to the blonde angel and stiffled a chuckle, “never mind”. He sat on the end of the table and signals Taehyung to sit with them, to which the latter complied.

Zyrian watched as the seven angels started their meeting. Each face possess different expression but one thing was common to these angels and that is love. Love with each other.

He had to admit, ‘though he doesn’t like being imprisoned like this, it was better than living in hell. Everyday was torture in hell. Everyday he would hear endless screams of pain and suffering. Everyday he would listen to endless pride from demons ruining innocent souls.

He knew the moment he became a demon it was going to be his life but when he became friends with Lucifer’s daughters, everything changed. He was not the only one who felt that he doesn’t belong there. This unexpected encounter with the angels was an opportunity he didn’t dream of. But  truth be told, he was grateful. Was this coincidence or fate? He didn’t know and he felt guilty. He left his precious friends in hell and hoped to see them one day to ask forgiveness for leaving.

Zyrian’s thoughts brought him to the present situation and resumed looking at the group on the other side of his glass wall.

“I was given permission to rescue Mara”, Namjoon started, “and I would like to ask your aid in this”.

“You don’t have to ask. We always got your back”, Hoseok gave him a thumbs up sign.

“Is Lucifer behind this?”, Yoongi asked.

ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now