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Mara could no longer hide her emotions when he imprisoned her in his arms. She sobbed her heart out as she buried her face on his chest to muffle her cries.

Her thoughts was filled with fear, sorrow, hopelessness and failure. Emotions that she didn't imagine will crash on her, all at once.

Fear of losing her father. The only person who loved her. The only person she can trust with everything and the only person she would die for.

Sorrow for having to deal with the responsibility of her kingdom, alone. She wasn't ready for this.

Hopelessness for having to find something that might not exist.
Failure because she somehow feel responsible for this journey and may lead them to death itself, not just to her father but to these angels as well.

Namjoon rubbed her back, careful not to touch her thin, sensitive wings.

"I heard from someone that some things happen for a reason", he doesn't know if what he said could lessen the burden Mara was carrying, but he felt that he needed to speak those words. Maybe he was right because the princess started to calm down and when she did, she stepped back.

"Sorry, I'm an emotional wreck", she apologized and tried to wiped her tears. She hoped that the angel will not see her as weak.

"Crying is not a sign of weakness, Mara".

Why do you always know what's on my mind? She looked at him and stared at his eyes. There was no mockery in it and she was almost lost in the depths of his hazel brown irises. How I wish you'll know what's in my heart instead. Unspoken words that only her heart knows.

"Why aren't you angry at me?", she asked but his look of confusion made her explain more, "You thought I was Heaven when we left Fairyland".

Namjoon smiled at this. How can I say that your presence made me forget that this is a dangerous mission? How can I say that instead of getting mad at you I was relieved to feel and see you beside me? But all he said were, "I don think I have the right to dictate what a monarch should do, especially a headstrong one".

Mara furrowed her brows, are you being sarcastic or insulting me? She was about to retort a reply when they heard a humming voice.

"We're here", Zaapiel stated and made the ship lowered it's anchor.

Everywhere they look was dark. The only light they were supplied with was from the beautiful round Luna hovering in the sky, which was reflected by the deep clear water of the ocean.

"La la la la la la", the soft but hypnotizing voice was now getting nearer.

"What the...?", Jin jerked awake. Hoseok slowly opened and rubbed his eyes, unsure to what was happening while Yoongi was still sound asleep.

Namjoon placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, which was tucked on his side. If ever something happens at least he was ready. He felt Mara's hand gripped his sleeve.

They still couldn't see anything but can only hear the humming song and then, out of nowhere the voice was joined by other voices, singing the same lullaby.

"Yoongi, wake the fuck up!", Jin hissed beside the angel and nudged him with his foot.

"What the ...... it better be life and death or else......", Yoongi's irritated words were interrupted by another singing voices.

"La la la la la la la".

"Am I in hell again? Because this sure doesn't look hell to me", he stood up and squinted his eyes, trying to see in the dark.

ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now