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"Where am I?”, a beautiful woman was confused on where she was. The last thing she remembered was going out of the grocery store with a bag on each hand. She was on her way to her car, that was parked across the street when she heard a screeching sound. She looked sideways but it was too late, the car was very fast and the last thing she felt was her body slammed to the front of the car. When she woke up, she found herself standing outside of a shabby hut, in the middle of a forest.

The door opened, revealing a bright light that almost blinded her, but at the same time it was so hypnotic that she found herself already entering the small shack. She wasn’t expecting to see a very different atmosphere compared to the exterior of the hut.

The inside was like a conference room. The walls were white, with only a table and three chairs as furnitures. She also noticed another door on the opposite side, across from where she had entered and this one has weird writings on it which wasn’t familiar to her, but what surprised her were the two males who were seated. She was fascinated not only because of their handsome features but their beautiful white wings as well.

“Please take a seat”, the brown-haired male said while the other one with a black hair was browsing on his files.

She sat in front of them, “Where am I?”, this is the second time I asked this question, she thought to herself.

“You’re in he...”, the black-haired angel with a serious face was cut off by his companion.

“You’re at the gates of heaven and hell”, Jimin corrected and glared at Yoongi. ‘Can you be more compassionate?, his voice entered on the older one’s mind.

Why? She’s already dead, besides according to the records, she is going to hell. So why be subtle about it?’.

You and your black heart’, Jimin didn’t gave him a chance to reply, instead looked back at the pretty lady in front of her, who was obviously confused when she entered earlier but judging by her facial expression now, it was replaced with amazement.

“So, you’re both an angel?”.

Duh. Aren't our wings obvious’, Yoongi thought in which only the other angel heard.

Shut up, Yoongi’. He focused on the woman, “I know that you’re still confused but I’m sorry because you have encountered a very ill-fated mishap that led to your death”, he explained and reached out to engulf her hands with his.

I can smell your flirtiness in the whole room’, the angel beside him pierced his mind, while looking at his cousin's charming effort.

Once again, shut the fuck up, Yoongi’.

“But I just bought groceries and.. and...”, her voice was trembling. “What will happen now?”.

“You see here, sweetheart, I’m not here to judge you on what you did when you were alive but unfortunately, with my utmost regret, you will be sent to hell”, his handsome face stared at her with sympathy while still holding her hands.

“But I.....”, her words were interrupted when another angel barged inside the room. His hair was plastered on his forehead due to his sweat. He rushed to their table, grasping for breath.

“Good....I’m ......not......too.......late”, he said, panting. “Is..... your.... name..... Lee...... Yuna?”.

The woman nods and he handed the parchment that he was clutching to Yoongi.

The latter, who furrowed his brows, opened the letter and spoke with exasperation after reading what was on it, “Not again, Taehyung! This is the third time this month”.

ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now