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"Start!", Archangel Ariel yelled at the room.

Jin and Namjoon positioned themselves in a duel while the rest were at the sides observing.

"My bet's on Namjoon", Heaven whispered to Jungkook.

"Mine is on Jin", the youngest angel said.

They were on the training ground with Heaven, who was asked by the council to train with them. The Majestic Seven decided that it will be useful in the future and she was more than willing to learn.

Namjoon lunged at Jin with his sword raised up. But the eldest was quick and dodged the blade with his own.

The onlookers were anxious on who will win the duel because of the bets that everyone was making without the instructor's knowledge.

This time, Jin initiated the attack and moved forward aiming for Namjoon's chest but the latter swung his left shoulder back making Jin's sword made contact with air. Namjoon took the chance and grab Jin's arm and kicked his leg, making him fall backwards and stared at the tip of the leader's sword.

"I won!", Heaven cheered happily while the ones who betted on Jin had frowns. Applause and teases were shouted until Ariel spoke.

"That's it for today", she said to everyone and turned to Namjoon, "Oh son, Michael wants to talk to you".

"Okay, mom", his reply and with that, Ariel left the angels .

"You should have used the other technique that I taught you", Jungkook told Jin.

"The one where I will bend my back? No, thank you. I might break my precious bones", the eldest said while still panting.

"because you're old", the youngest teased.

"Brat!", Jin glared at him.

"Before I leave, can all of you please behave. I don't want the leader of the Majestic Seven to scold me for leading a bunch of fools", Namjoon said with authority and leave his cousins who were now making weird faces behind his back.

The only thing he heard was the frustration on Heaven's voice, "And they said being an angel is fun".

Namjoon went directly to the Majestic Tower where Archangel Michael was waiting.

"Namjoon reporting, sir".

"At ease", the archangel said

"Sorry sir, for being late". He tried to relax.

"It's okay, Namjoon. Take a seat", Michael pointed to the seat in front of his desk. "Ariel told me that you just ended your training. So, how's Heaven?", he asked and took a seat behind his desk.

"She is adopting well to us and she learns quickly".

"How about combat training?".

"She already know the basics and Jungkook always make sure that she doesn't get hurt".

Michael smiled to what he said, "my son is overprotective when it comes to her".

Namjoon grinned amd nod his head. It was obvious to everyone that the duo were inseparable.

"Speaking of protection, the reason why I called you is that the council have decided to resume your missions but this time there is a slight change".

The young leader was all ears.

"Yoongi and Jimin will still cover the gate of hell. Taehyung will still be a messenger for all of us. He actually needs to master that because he will take the place of Gabriel when we retire. Jungkook will stay beside Heaven to teach her everything she needs to know as an angel. Hoseok and Jin will be in charge of the demon while you will go to fairyland to protect Princess Mara".

"Sir?", he was confused.

"We all know that Lucifer isn't finished with his revenge and his latest attack to King Linus' territory was just one of his games".

Namjoon's thoughts brought him back to the day Heaven and Jungkook almost died. All those innocent lives that were taken on that day just to protect their kingdom was just a silly diversion for Lucifer to caught their attention.

"If you need any assistance, you can call any of your cousins to help you and the same goes for them if ever they are in need of your help but your main priority is to protect Mara until we are sure that Lucifer will take his eyes off their kingdom. Understood?".

"Yes sir". Fairyland is a powerful kingdom, the reason why their foes tend to overpower them and it's also the reason why Lucifer attacked them. So, he wasn't surprised when they have given this to him. Although, he was curious why they specifically asked him to protect Mara but didn't dare question the archangel.

"That's all, Namjoon".

He was being dismissed so he stood up and took a bow before heading to the door but stopped when Michael spoke.

"Oh by the way, please give your cousins one smack each at the back of their heads for being an annoying halfwits".

"Gladly, sir", the young angel smiled. This was the chance he was waiting for, to get back at his cousins for their foolishness and it was ordered by the leader of the Majestic Seven.

ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now