Part IX

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“How are you?”, Mara was still holding the hands of Heaven while dragging her to a couch inside the library.

“I’m doing fine, your highness”, her friend giggled.

“Oh shush. Don’t make me laugh, Heaven. Since when were you so formal? No one is within earshot so you can call me by my name”, she missed her friend. “By the way, I do like your outfit. It suits you”.

“You liked it? Archangel Jophiel insisted that I wear like this every time I travel. She said that this will be helpful if in case I need to fight and she also mentioned that this intimidates men”, Heaven stood up. She was wearing a black leather jumpsuit that hugged her body with a matching black boots to complete her attire.

“I doubt you will intimidate Jungkook with that”, Mara raised her brow. She knew that the angel will not keep his eyes off his girlfriend.

“Don’t remind me. He was scowling the whole time. Anyway, it’s your turn. Why didn’t you told me that you were already betrothed?”.

“To be honest, I actually hoped that they have forgotten about that preposterous deal but I guess I was wrong”. 

“Are you fine with what’s happening?”, Heaven looked at Mara who suddenly changed her facial expression.

“I don’t have a choice”.

“What about...”, Heaven paused and sensed if a certain angel was eavesdropping outside the library. When she was certain that no one was listening she continued, “Namjoon?”.

The princess was baffled. “What do you mean?”.

“Mara, your secret’s safe with me. From the very first day that I met you I knew you had the hots for our leader”, Heaven was a part of their family now so it was just appropriate to call him as her superior.

Mara blushed, “I...”.

“Well? What will you do about it”.

“Nothing. I will do nothing about my feelings for him because I am nothing to him. Marrying Aphid maybe the best for me so that I can bury this .... this silly emotion”, She stared at her lap to hide from her friend the tears that were trying to escape her eyes.

But Heaven knew that the princess was aching. She engulfed her in an embrace which the latter didn’t object from, instead Mara cried on her shoulders. Grateful for the comfort that Heaven can offer.

“Oh, Mara. I maybe wrong”.

The princess looked at her, confused.

“You don’t just like him, princess. You love him”, Heaven wiped her tears.

“I do. It hurts more if others say it for you”, she admitted to herself. Denying that she loves Namjoon will just hurt more.

“Princess!”, Anna came barging inside the library with a distressed face.

“What is it Anna?”, Mara suddenly stood up.

“You need to come to your father’s quarters”, her handmaiden is in a frantic state. She immediately followed her together with Heaven on her heels.

Namjoon and Jungkook were already waiting for them outside of the King’s quarters.

“Why didn’t you called us?”, Heaven asked Jungkook in a hushed tone.

“We went straight here when we came across the princess’ handmaiden, who was in a rush to go to the library”, he explained.

“Father?”, Mara entered and noticed that King Linus was peacefully sleeping. Perry, his worried steward was standing beside his bed.

“Your highness, I tried waking him up many times but he just wouldn’t open his eyes”, he said.

“Call the royal physician”, she ordered and Anna scurried to do her bidding. She sat on his bed and hold her father’s hand. “Father, you need to wake up now”.

Namjoon noticed the quavering on her voice. He knew that she was nervous and worried.

“Father? Father?”, she was trying her best not to cry. She didn’t heard when her handmaiden returned.

“Princess, the physician is here”, Anna announced and moved aside for the royal physician to check the king.

He raised the king’s wrist for a pulse and after a minute he turned his attention to the princess, “Your highness, please give me your approval to check his majesty thoroughly”.

“Yes, of course”, she instantly answered. She wanted to know the reason why her father is unresponsive.

“Your highness, forgive me but all of you need to wait outside until after the doctor is done with his examination”, Perry tried to sound calm.

“Okay”, Namjoon abruptly replied when he noticed that Mara was about to protest. He looked at the princess who was almost in the brink of tears, worrying about her father. He stepped towards her and squeezed her shoulder, letting her know that she wasn’t alone in this.

Heaven went to Mara and ushered her outside of the room with Namjoon, Jungkook and Anna.

After almost like eternity, the doctor finally finished his assessment. He and Perry went out.

“Well?”, Mara was impatient after waiting for couple of hours until the physician ends his examination of her father.

“Your highness, I ....... I don’t think there’s something wrong with his majesty”, the doctor reluctantly said.

All of them were astonished to what they heard.

“Then, why is he still not waking up? Did you do everything? Did you check everything?”, she threw successive questions at him and tears were now escaping her eyes.

“Mara”, Namjoon went to her side. He somehow felt that he needed to calm her down.

“Oh, Namjoon”, she turned to him and cried on his chest.

She was trying her best to be strong, having faith that King Linus is just sleeping but upon hearing what the doctor said made her crumble.

The angel knew that Mara is being brave for her father but now that she’s in his arms made him realize how fragile she is. She held onto him and at that moment it was the best he can offer.

“Sir?”, Perry interrupted his thoughts.

“What is it?”, Namjoon raised his eyes to the steward. He sensed that something is bothering the two male fairies.

Perry glanced at the doctor and when the latter nodded his head he continued, “I think King Linus is in grave danger”.

Namjoon felt Mara stiffened and looked at her father’s steward.
“Why did you say that?”, Jungkook was curious why Perry would say those words.

“All the tests that I took from him were negative so it means that there is nothing wrong with his body which lead us to believe that maybe....”, the physician explained.

“That maybe what?”, Namjoon is getting annoyed by their constant cutting of words.

Perry was nervous but decided to finished what the doctor said, “That maybe King Linus has been cursed”.

Perry was nervous but decided to finished what the doctor said, “That maybe King Linus has been cursed”

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