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Namjoon's eyes moved to the familiar lone harpy, who looked like their leader and was now walking towards Mara. Zaapiel's words echoed in his mind that the creature was already drawn to her scent.

"No", he started to dart to the direction of the princess but suddenly felt his muscles became stiff. He can't move. He was suspended mid-air and knew that the sorceress was responsible for this, just as he saw her extending her arm in his way.

Yoongi, he tried calling his cousin and hoped he heard him.

He didn't wait long because a fire was thrown to Valena, causing the hem of her sleeve to ignite and released her magic on Namjoon.

The tall angel falls down but he was too late. Mara's loud scream brought chills to his spine, as he saw the harpy snatched and carry her. The creature flew out of the window, together with the king and the now fuming Valena, who were also carried by two harpies. A few of the creatures trail behind them, while the others were left in the hall.

"Yoongi, Hoseok, come with me", he barked and without waiting for a reply flew out to save Mara, leaving the other angels to deal with the other harpies and kingsguards.

The creatures were fast and he was trying his best to matched their speed. He heard a pair of flapping of wings on both of his sides and knew that his cousins are flying beside him.

What do they eat? Why are they so fast? Hoseok complained.

I'm going to kill him?, Yoongi was getting mad. He had never flown this hard.

Who? The harpy or King Aphid? Hoseok asked. They eagerly flew to not lose the creatures from their sight.


Jackson's mine, Namjoon's firm tone was met with approval.

Sure, they both replied.

Their leader needed to think fast. He might lose them. He looked down and noticed a forest.

Yoongi, can you shoot fire from here?, he asked his cousin.

The older angel estimated the distance between them and the creatures before answering, I think I can.

Hoseok, you need to put a shield on Mara.

The other angel gave a nod. Namjoon hoped for his plan to work because one false move will lead to Mara's untimely death.


The dark-haired angel stopped and threw flames with all of his might. They weren't disappointed because the edges of the harpies' wings caught fire. The sudden attack surprised the creatures, causing for them to release their holds to the fairies and the sorceress.

Mara released another loud scream but was cut when Hoseok's shield enveloped her. Valena instantly used her magic to teleport with the king, but because of her injured arm she can only manage to use magic for a short time, and so she chose the forest as their exit.

The creatures vigorously flapped their wings and spun around to extinguish the fire. The leader saw where the fire was coming from and eyed the angels. He released a screeching noise and the other harpies darted towards them.

This made Hoseok lose his focus and accidentally release the shield from Mara. A chance, the leader of the harpies was waiting for. He snatched up the princess and flew downwards to where Valena and the king were.

Namjoon saw this, he needs to follow them but a creature was blocking him. The harpy slashed its claw into his chest, leaving a long scratch into his upper torso. His fast reflex made him avoid the sharp claw to go deeper into his skin. He plunged his sword into the creature's abdomen. Its blood oozed out from the wound and it also made a gurgling noise when some blood came out of its mouth. The angel pulled out his weapon and the creature's dead body plummeted down.

ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now