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“Mara?”, Heaven sat next to the princess on the bed, who was crying silently.

“What should I do now?”, the fairy looked at Heaven with red puffy eyes. Her tears were continuously cascading down her cheeks.

“We will find a way. For now, you have to take a rest”, she tried to smile at Mara.

“What if ........ what if we can’t find a way to lift the curse? My father will....”, the princess cut herself from speaking the dreadful word. She can’t imagine her life without her father and this thought made her cry even harder.

Heaven pulled her in an embrace and tried to soothe her friend’s misery by just being beside her. She knew what it felt like losing a parent and right now, Mara needed someone to share her pain with.

“Maybe Jackson can help me”, the princess suddenly bursts out the words amidst her sobs, the only person she thought that can save her and her kingdom.

“Shh. Rest first. We’ll talk about it later”, Heaven wished that the King of Saecotora will indeed help them and that Jungkook was wrong about him.

She just left Mara’s side when she was certain that the princess was already asleep. She tucked her blanket around the sleeping fairy and went to the couch across the bed.

Heaven decided to sleep tonight at Mara’s room, putting in mind what Namjoon had told her, to not leave the princess alone. She made herself comfortable by lying sideways with the princess in her line of vision. When a couple of hours passed and she was sure that the fairy is sleeping soundly, she then closed her eyes to take a nap.

But not long after Heaven has shut her eyes, Mara woke up. The princess looked around with the help of the light from the lamp on her bedside table and saw her friend sleeping on the couch. Mara was grateful for Heaven’s presence.

She silently stood up and walked to the window. She took a deep sigh and stared at the beauty of the moon, shining brightly with its majestic radiance.

Father, I’m sorry. I tried, oh how I tried finding a way to look for your soul. I have failed and I have disappointed you. Mara’s eyes were once again filled with tears. She grabbed her chest, as if it will help reduce the agony in her heart. I have lost mother and I am not ready to lose you, too. I promise I will find a way, even if it kills me.

The princess wiped her wet cheeks and tried to calm herself. She needed to straighten her thoughts together. She needs to focus on her next step, then suddenly she remembered who can help her.

She hurriedly changed into a clean dress and left her bedchamber, careful not to bother Heaven’s sleep. She walked through the empty hallways and stopped in front of King Aphid’s bedchamber.

He might already be sleeping right now, but she needed to talk to him and her father’s condition is an urgent matter to deal with. Every second counts, the very reason why she rushed to his door, not thinking that it was inappropriate for her to be seen on a male’s chamber, especially if it’s late night.  But she disregarded all protocols of being a princess for her father’s sake. Besides, King Aphid’s quarters has a separate living room where he can invite guests. King Linus made sure that her betrothed is comfortable while staying in Fairyland. Thus, she is not invading his bedchamber literally, she reasoned to herself.

She knocked on the door but no one answered. She tried again and still there was silence. She tried twisting the knob and was relieved to know that it wasn’t locked.

What are you doing, Mara? He might already be sleeping. Her brain was being rational but a part of her was in desperate need of help.

The princess entered the living room with two settees facing each other, and across from it was the door to King Aphid’s bedchamber.

ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now