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Namjoon entered the conference room with one thought in mind and that is to ask permission from the leader of the Majestic Seven to rescue Mara. He had sent Taehyung to heaven beforehand and inform the archangel of his urgency to meet with him.

“I’m sorry sir, for this abrupt meeting”, he bowed and addressed the archangel who possessed the same face as his youngest cousin, Jungkook.

“Taehyung told me that it was urgent so, I know that this is important”, Michael motioned for him to sit on one of the empty chairs, while the archangel sit at the head of the long table. The rest of the council were not present, they were busy with their respective assignments.

“Sir, we think that Princess Mara is being held captive”.

Michael was surprised. He didn’t think that anyone would dare put their hands on the fairy princess at her own kingdom.

“Did you search the whole Fairyland?”.

“We did and we didn’t find her”.

“Do you have any idea who would do this?”. The archangel has one name on his mind but because Fairyland is a powerful kingdom, anyone would covet its power, even under the angels’ noses.

“I think King Aphid has her”.

“and why would you think that?”, Michael furrowed his brows. He may not know the King of Saecotora personally, but King Linus surely trusts this fairy, to give the hand of his only daughter in marriage.

“Jungkook overheard him talking to his spy inside the palace”.

Michael shakes his head, “and I would assume that King Linus doesn’t know that his daughter is missing”.

“Yes sir, he is still unconscious and without a soul?”. Namjoon’s expression says it all, the archangel sighed deeply.

“Sir, do you think Lucifer has his hand on this?”, the angel asked. A question that was bugging him since Mara’s disappearance.

“We can’t be sure, but if he is involve, Mara might face the same fate as Heaven”, Michael’s jaw twitched and knew that his brother will not stop just to have his revenge. He looked closely at the angel in front of him and saw a sudden change in the latter’s eyes.

“Namjoon!”, the archangel’s booming voice brought the angel’s thoughts to present.

“Sorry sir, I was........ distracted”, his excuse.

“Does this happen often?”, this is the first time Michael felt Namjoon’s rage started to consume the angel.

“I was just temporarily caught on my emotion, sir. I promise it will not happen again”, the angel regretted how he lost focus in front of the leader of the Majestic Seven. The mention of Lucifer made him angry and as one of the rescuers of Heaven, he doesn’t want Mara to experience the same torture Heaven went through in hell.

“That’s not what I meant. It’s a natural emotion to feel angry but what I’m curious about is the change in your physical appearance”.

“What change?”, a feminine voice interrupted when the door opened. The two male looked to see archangel Ariel entered.

“Mom”, Namjoon went to his mother, who in turn gave him an affectionate embrace.

“What change, Michael?”, Ariel repeated and let go of him. She then went to sit next to her son.

“Something is happening to Namjoon”, the male archangel explained.

“Care to explain, son?”, Ariel was worried.

“Well, I don’t know how to put this but Jungkook and the others had noticed the change in my eyes everytime I....”, Namjoon paused. He, himself wasn’t sure what was happening to him.

“Everytime you got furious”, Michael finished for him.

“I....I think so, but I have never felt like this before. I mean... getting angry”, the two archangels witnessed through the years how Namjoon calmly handles stressful situations, compared to his cousins. This sudden change in him is unusual.

“Could it be.....your power?”, Ariel thought it was the only reason why it manifested late.

“What else has been changing or happening in your body?”, Michael wanted to know what kind of ability Namjoon have.

“Nothing, sir. As far as I know, my eyes are the only ones switching”.

“If it is indeed your power starting to manifest, inform us immediately about it”, Ariel is certain that the council would want to be updated on their children’s abilities, may it be good or bad, and as of now four of them, excluding his son, have their given powers.

“Yes, mom”.

“Ariel, any news?”, Michael turned to his sibling.

“The king of Elveria informed me that a few of their females kept on missing. Their warriors encountered an unusual creature when they were on patrol but they don’t have any evidence that it was the culprit”, the female archangel stated.

This made Namjoon think about the creature that snatched Mara in the forest, “What kind of creature?”.

“They said it looked like a man but with wings like a bat”.

“I think that’s the same creatures, who ambushed us. They are called harpies according to Zaapiel”.

“Zaapiel? You saw him?”, Michael wanted to confirm.

“Yes, sir. He helped us”.

“We thought he was dead but why didn’t he come back here?”, Ariel was surprised by this.

“I guess he’s still not ready”, Namjoon felt that Zaapiel had his personal problems to deal with before he could fully return to heaven and face the archangels.

“We’ll wait for him”, Michael stated. “So, going back to the King of Saecotora, what do you plan to do next?”.

“I came here to ask your permission to rescue the princess”.

“What will happen to Fairyland without your presence? Who will look after King Linus?”, questions that need answers to protect the kingdom and its ruler.

“I trust Heaven with this responsibility, sir”.

Michael didn’t argue. The fallen angel had been trained by his son, Jungkook, to be a fighter and giving her a responsibility as big as this is a good chance to prove her strength in all aspects.

“You already thought about this”.

“I did sir, and my main goal right now is to find the princess and bring her home alive”.

That was all the archangel needed to hear, “Okay, Namjoon. Permission granted”.

Michael’s approval made the angel sigh in relief.

”Where do you plan to search for her?”, Ariel questioned.

“Honestly, I don’t know where to look”.

The male archangel noticed how Namjoon  possessed the look of desperation. “I would suggest you look for Mara in Saecotora and avoid hell, at all cost. We still don’t have proof that Lucifer is involve in this, and you going there in his territory will give him an excuse to kill you. We don’t want a war to start again”.

“I understand, sir”.

“How many of our soldiers would you like to take with you?”, Michael asked.

“None, sir. All I need are my cousins”, Namjoon flatly answered.
This made the two archangels smile proudly, knowing that their children have a special bond with each other and would jump to kill anyone who would harm one of them.

“You have proved to us once again that we weren’t wrong when we chose you as the leader”.

“Thank you, sir”.

At that moment, Leah, the council’s secretary knocked at the door.

“Yes?”, Michael’s voice signals her to come in.

“Sir, a group of angels need to speak with you and they’re in your office now”,

“Okay. I’ll be there”, he said and stood up. Leah closed the door and left.

“I have faith in you and your cousins. You will find her and if anything goes wrong, send one of your cousins to call us”, Michael patted the angel’s back and left him with Ariel.

“I know that you’re doing this not because of your obligation as Fairyland’s protector”.

Namjoon was confused by her mother’s words.

“Son, I have known you since you were made and never once have you been angry”.

The angel was speechless. Surely, he had some tantrums before, as a cherub but knowing this made him curious, “not once?”.

“Never. Even if Jin and Hoseok would constantly disturb you, you won’t budge from focusing on what you’re doing. Yoongi would repeatedly throw a ball at you to play with him but you would just ignore him. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook would take turns to bother you but you’ll just turn your back and mind your own business. You see son, this is the first time Michael saw the one emotion that we never knew you had buried and that is anger”.

Her mother’s words made him realize the truth ........... that his cousins are all a pain in the ass ever since. But anyway, she was right. Fury was not in his vocabulary and why now?

“and based from your reaction, you’re confused on why you’re experiencing it right now. The answer is in your heart, son”.

“Mara?”, a name that never left his mind. A fairy who conquered his heart.

Ariel nods, “she had caught your heart, Namjoon”.

“and maybe, even my soul, mom”, the angel finally admitted.

“I’m glad you’re accepting this change in you. Mara had always care for you even when you were young. She would always follow you, stand or sit beside you whenever we visit Fairyland, and now I know why”.

“She did?”.

The archangel laughed at her oblivious son.

“Oh, she did and even King Linus would grin at his daughter’s affection for you”.

Namjoon blushed at his mother’s admission.

Ariel grinned at her son, “The intelligence you have is your strength, but I hope you’ll be brave enough to open your heart to her when you find her”.

“I will. Thank you, mom, for always giving the best advices”, Namjoon and Ariel stood up, gave each other a hug before the angel started to walk towards the door.


The angel stopped on his tracks and looked back at Archangel Ariel.

“What if ....... what if Princess Mara’s life is in jeopardy?”.

“Whoever has her should now pray to all of his gods because I will not let him live to see another day”. Namjoon threatened.

Ariel regretted why she asked the stupid question because right in front of her eyes, she witnessed not just Namjoon’s eyes changed, but also his wings had a transformation. The soft feathers fell off to be replaced by a soft leathery skin, similar to that of a bat.

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ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK II: Tears of an Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now