Part XVI

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Namjoon stood with his legs spread apart and his hands were clasped together, in front of him, just like a soldier he is and his wings were folded tightly on his back. He was in front of the council, also known as the Majestic Seven. The seven archangels were all seated around the table, waiting for him to speak.

He looked at his mother, Archangel Ariel and gave her a smile, to which the latter acknowledged. He then proceeds to talk and stare at the center of the table, where Archangel Michael, the leader was. “I apologize for this unexpected request to meet the council but there’s a problem that have risen in Fairyland. King Linus is in grave danger. He was cursed”.

“Cursed? By a witch?”, asked by the most beautiful archangel in the room. She was surprised as well as the others.

“No, Archangel Jophiel. Not a witch but a sorceress or a wizard”, Namjoon replied to Jin’s mother.

“Then, the purpose of the curse is death”, Archangel Michael spoke. They knew all too well that they were the only ones capable of a curse with the sole intention of losing one’s life.

“Yes sir. I have learned that he was cursed with the Corpus Sine Anima”.

“I thought it was already forbidden to use that kind of spell?”, Archangel Gabriel questioned.

“It was, but because of Lucifer’s rebellion, there were some witches and sorceress who had joined him, and my gut is telling me that one of them did this”, this time, it was Archangel Azrael’s voice that silenced the room. Reminding all of them that their exiled brother maybe behind this.

“Are you saying that our once beloved brother may have orchestrated this tragedy?”, Archangel Chamuel verified.

“It is a possibility”, Azrael replied. Anything was possible to Lucifer. They all knew that, even if it will costs plenty of lives.

“Namjoon, is there a way to lift the curse?”, Archangel Raphael turned to the angel.

“There is, sir, but.........”, the angel was hesitant to answer.
“Continue, son”, his mother, Ariel, urged.

“but it involves a rare creature”, he continued.

“Rare? Creatures on earth are considered to be common, compared to the ones we have in heaven. So, I don’t think that there’s any difficulty finding the cure for the curse”, Gabriel pointed out.

“That’s the thing, sir. I believe these creatures are already extinct”, Namjoon doesn’t know how to explain the absurdity of the solution is.

“Well, go on, child. What kind of creature are you talking about?”, Jophiel was curious.

“It’s a dragon”.

“What?!”, a word that was said in unison by the archangels, except their leader. Namjoon flinched, though he already expected their reactions.

“A rare creature, indeed”, Michael said, chuckling to his brothers and sisters surprised outbursts.

“What does a dragon have to do with lifting the curse?”, Gabriel was confused.

“I have come across a book of spell. It was written there that the lost soul is hidden by the one who gave the curse. If the culprit was found, so does the soul”, Namjoon explained.

“But how will they be found?”, Ariel furrowed her brows. She never doubted that Namjoon would easily find a way to situations like this. She knew how smart and persevering his son is.

“That’s where the dragon is needed. The dragon’s heart will lead anyone  who is in pursuit of the soul”, the young angel answered.

“So, you’re basically saying, that a dragon must be slayed to get its heart because the heart will lead to the lost soul?”, Raphael asked.

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