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"You weren't the boy I thought I knew. Maybe I was blind, I was young, I didn't have a clue."

-Jorja Smith.

"Do you think daddy will come home today?"

May looked up from the Daily Times newspaper she was holding her lips curled into a thin smile. "He will," she stated softly, but her voice didn't hold enough certainty to assure her

Recently, her husband had exhibited a new habit of coming home late. That or he didn't come home until the next morning.

"Mama... you ain't even sure."

She dropped the papers on the table in front of them with a small sigh. Her hand reached across the table to wipe away a piece of milky golden corn cereal her daughter was eating from
the corner of her lips.

"He will. Now finish up your food and go to bed." As soon as she finished her sentence, the front door creaked open and in came Edric, her husband.

Drawing in a short breath, she turned to her daughter and said with a wink. "I told you."

Maryam ran into her father's opened arms. He lifted her and caressed her back before putting her down.

She grinned. "Daddy, happy anniversary."

He raised a brow at May before giving Maryam a fake smile that only May could see. She could see how forced it was.

"Thank you," he said simply, handing her his small brown suitcase. "Take it to my room and please... go to bed at once. I want to speak to your mom."

Maryam did as told. Within a minute, her parents were standing alone in the living room.

May watched him quietly as he started taking off his shoes, socks and suit jacket. She walked to his side to help him, like in the movies, but he refused.

"No thanks," he told her without sparing a glance.

She walked closer to peck him on the corner of his lip but he withdrew, like always. She felt the tears rising and her throat tighten, but she refused to cry.

May vowed never to cry in front of anybody not even in front of him. Not after all she has gone through. She doesn't want to be referred to as 'weak'.

"Happy sixth anniversary." she looked down at her feet, waiting for him to reply.

He turned to her now. "So? Why do you have to remind me?"

She gulped, blinking and inwardly pleading with the tears not to fall, but stayed silent. She dared not speak back.

"Why do you try to take today seriously? I'm sure you know I hate this day!" he explained. He tried to walk out but she, making an attempt to stop him, grabbed his arm.

"Please, I prepared noodles for dinner." She tried to change the topic but her voice was shaky.

He raised a brow at her. "Since when did the governor's daughter start attempting to cook for her husband?" His voice was laced with mockery.

She was once a governor's daughter who didn't know how to do anything herself, but she hated the reminder.

She hated being reminded that she was disowned by her biological father because of that mistake. The mistake her supposed husband caused.

It hurts.

He drew his hand from her hold and walked to his room. Before he shut the door, he said, "I don't want to eat your poison."

As the feeling of rejection filled her heart, she collapsed on the floor and broke down into tears.

May woke up to someone's leg kicking her waist. She groaned when it hit her again so she forced her eyes open.

"Get up, lazy thing!" Edric spat.

Sitting up from the floor, she used her hands to rub her eyes so she could see better.

"Good morning."

"What's good about it?" Asked Edric as he sat on one of the sitting room's armchairs to put on his black shoes.

"What responsible woman would sleep till its eight o'clock in the morning?" he continued.

Her eyes widened. She didn't know she had overslept. She had a lot to do. She had to prepare breakfast, take Maryam to school- Maryam! She had totally forgotten about Maryam.

She was about to race to her daughter's aid when Maryam ran into the sitting room already dressed in her uniform and holding her backpack.

"Good morning, mama. Good morning, papa." She greeted.

Edric did not respond. May, trying to distract her from her father's mood, pulled her into a small hug.

"Good morning, my child," she told her. "You're already dressed for school, who-"

"I did it myself," Maryam told her, smiling.

May's mouth formed an 'o', she pinched Maryam's cheek. "My little girl is growing up."

She flashed back to when she was young. She didn't have to do things all by herself. Her mother didn't permit her to. The maids were always around to bath, brush, and feed her, and take her to school. She would still be living that life now, but that one mistake changed everything.

"Mummy. Mummy!" she heard Maryam shout, bringing her back to reality.

"What is it?"

"I was telling you... that I'm getting late for school... My teacher will whip me." Maryam complained.

May stood up from her sitting position. "Oh, I'm sorry." she turned to her husband who was adjusting his tie, ready to leave for the day's work. "I need money to buy snacks for Maryam."

He whistled, acting like he didn't hear her so she repeated herself.

"I said: I need money to buy snacks-"

"What are you trying to imply, woman?" He cut her off.

Her lips parted while her face morphed into a confused one. "What do you mean?"

He dropped his hand at his side. "Don't play dumb with me. Why are you repeating yourself? Are you trying to say that I'm deaf?"

Her mouth widened to the extent that if a mosquito had flown past, it might enter it. "I didn't say that!"

"Oh! So you are now calling me a liar?"

"Edric! What's been up with you these days?"

He opened his palm, raised his hand, and was about to hit her across her face but stopped with a second thought. His eyes drifted down to see Maryam's hand covering her mouth with shock.

Her father almost hit her mom. She couldn't believe it.

He looked back at May and clenched his teeth, trying to calm his temper and then swallowed. "I don't have money."

Without another word, he looked from mother to daughter, took his brown suitcase from the chair, and walked out. Slamming the door shut.

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