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Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.

Zelda Fitzgerald.


C H A P T E R 33:

It was because of her best friend's engagement party, she found her self checking out her very own self in front of the mirror. She wanted to look at least, something close to being called 'looking perfect' all for the sake of this day.

It was the day everyone was anticipating or waiting for. It was marked on the calendar of her home to be a special day, but it was more special and important to Efua. Since she was the one getting engaged.

For the first time in a long while, May actually agreed to the fact that she wasn't ugly or pretty.

Pretty was too rare or far too used, she was gorgeous.

She loved the way her bottom pink lip was plump, her cheeks, rosy from the pink blush she had on. With her black pimples that looked like freckles almost now invisible under her light make up. Her full, dark brows were perfectly lined, her lashes more long and thick with mascara. Then, her eyes were of course, heavy with kohl just like she liked it.

The black mole close to her nose, was well, still there. Even if she didn't exactly like it, she didn't hate it either. It was how God had created her and if anything, it made her look more gorgeous.

Her eyes drove down her body which was now graced on the black dress Iby had picked for her, she couldn't help but be sure that she was God's most beautiful art.

It felt good actually loving and appreciating her body.

After a final touch of nude lipstick on her lips, she made to tye her hair—which was the only thing yet to be done— with her ribbon into a lose ponytail.

But then, decided against it once Iby's words flashed across her mind. He had told her before that
She would look more beautiful if she had her hair swept over her shoulder. So she let her hair fall freely over her shoulder and then styled her hair just like Iby had.

Her manicured fingers trailed from the side of her face to her ear where she tucked few strands of hair behind it. The simple act, caused her to smile so broadly that she almost forgot about Efua's party.


The rickshaw driver stopped at the address she had given to him after which, she gladly paid him off. Just in front of her, was a big banquet hall with people dressed so elegantly in their various attires walking in and out.

She drew in a long breath and with shoulder raised high she walked towards the door.

"Ma'am, where is your invitation card?" asked one of the security men.

May searched her purse for it but couldn't find it, "Uhm, I cannot find it. I must've forgotten it at home due to hurry."

The security man who had stopped her, shook his head in negative, "I'm sorry but you cannot go in without showing me your invitation card ma."

May's lips parted to explain that the bride of the occasion was her best friend, one that she had done so many silly things with when they were younger, but then, she had a second thought. By the way it would be of no use. By the look of things, she was sure the security man wouldn't believe her anyway.

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