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The following are questions asked by readers. My replies are below each question.

1.) When did you start writing May?

Since April 30th, 2019.

2.) How long did it take you to write the whole book?

It took me eight months.

3.) Are the events in this book inspired by real life event?

Kind of. Some scenes I wrote are inspired by real life stories I have heard, few things my mother told me and few things I observed.

4.) Why did you write May?

Hopefully to pass out a message to my readers and teenagers out there through my book about early marriage, suicide, abortion, abuse, love and teenage pregnancy. So many topics and I really hope I was able to cover it all up.

5.) What inspired you?

A story my mother told me happened in her village. The lady in question was in love with her husband even if he was beating her. Her brothers saw the welts on her body. They asked her if her husband did it to her, she said no or would come up with different excuses for her husband so her brothers wouldn't beat him up in return. One day, her husband broke her arm while beating her. Her family members asked her who did it to her and she said she fell. They asked her repeatedly but she kept lying till the day her husband got tired of her and divorced her. It was until that day she told the truth to her family members but they did both nothing to her ex husband because they said she didn't tell the truth the time they wanted to act on it. That's how the woman lived with a broken arm.

Sadly, women face these things in real life too and not only May but most of them sealed their mouths all in the name of love. I decided it best to craft a story out of everything and I was able to.

6.) Why was May stupid letting Edric trample on her?

At first, her eyes were blinded by the love she had for him and that shitty excuse she always had about not having anywhere to stay if she divorces Edric, the thought of Maryam feeling broken if she ever divorced Edric was holding her back.

7.) What did Iby find interesting about May?

—  Iby loved her more after finding out what makes her cry. He felt she was strong to be able to endure the torture also, her imperfection drew him to her. According to Jodi Picoult, "you don't love someone because they're perfect you love them in spite of the fact that they're not."

8.) What did May find interesting about Iby?

Iby's sincerity, his kindness and the sense of peace he carries with him.

9.) Why is May so loving, kind and forgiving? How does she do it?

It takes the grace of God to be all these things. She simply has a heart of pure gold and just maybe, she is kind, loving and forgiving because the Author of this book is too.

10.) What chapter gave you trouble in writing? And why?

I had trouble writing Chapter 25 (The biggest abuse) and chapter 31 (The departure). For Chapter 25, it was hard to write because I've never been sexually abused and I had to visualize my self in May's state. It was hard. I cried. Also, it was hard to write because  writing smuts is something that makes me feel uncomfortable and as a christian, I feel like I'm committing sin while doing so. For chapter 31, I have a little trouble writing chapters that has multiple characters in it but I'm improving, hopefully.

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