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"If the plan doesn't work, change the plan, never the goal." -Weheartit_quotes.

The doorbell rang, waking her up from sleep

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The doorbell rang, waking her up from sleep. May, already knowing who her visitor was, scrambled out of bed to get the door.

"Efua!" May exclaimed after she had opened the door, pulling her friend into a bone-cracking hug.

"It's been like-"

"Six years." May helped Efua complete the sentence.

Efua hugged her again, patting her back lightly. "I've missed you, best friend."

"Me too."

When they pulled away, May couldn't help but admire her friend. Efua was a darker-skinned lady, with big round eyes and a pointed nose that always had thick, prescription glasses sitting on it. She was a bit taller too, but that was because she was wearing heels.

May nodded. "I like your outfit," she complimented.

Efua was donned in a woolly brown long sleeve top, white flair pants with brown lines, and silver-colored heels that accentuated the beauty of her clothes. She looked very deary
compared to May who was dressed in a simple black gown.

"I really do like your outfit," May repeated with a weary smile. "You look beautiful."

Efua laughed. "Yeah, I know. Thanks."

May only gave a nod. Gesturing with her hands, she asked Efua to sit down and make herself at home. Efua sat down, but not without wiping the chair with her handkerchief.

Meanwhile, May was in the kitchen to get her friend something to drink. Unfortunately, when she opened the fridge it was almost empty. The only thing available inside was a chilled bottle of Eva table water.

May sighed. Edric wouldn't give her money to buy groceries. When she'd ask him to, he would come up with the pathetic excuse that there was no need to since she didn't know how to cook anything aside from Indomie noodles. He would always blame her wealthy mother for that.

"Here," May handed her the container. "Please, manage this. The fridge is empty."

Efua collected the bottle from her, set it on a stool beside her, crossed her legs, and said to May, "I heard everything while I was away."

May forced a smile. "Oh! I forgot you had traveled to Ghana. How was your stay there?"

"It was good, but May, don't try to change the topic."

May looked away, it was something she didn't feel like talking about now. Efua had called her on the phone that morning, after May had dropped Maryam off at school, informing
her that she was back in town. Six years before, they were very close friends but Efua had to
travel to Ghana to further her studies. Meanwhile, May got pregnant from Edric and was disowned by her father.

They hadn't been able to reconnect until this morning. She'd called saying she wanted to come over and May agreed, even while her husband's strict warning lingered: no friends!

She didn't heed his warning because she missed her friend and needed someone to talk to.
But she didn't know how to tell Efua that Edric was no longer the man she had stupidly gotten pregnant for. It was hard.

Talking about everything that had happened in the past only reminded her that she no longer had her family. She was now a lady who was treated like a rag by her husband.

"Are you happy?" Asked Efua, studying her friend. "Is he treating you well?"

May bit her lip, looking down now, she struggled with herself not to cry. "No." She looked up to see Efua's concerned eyes on her. She shook her head, "No."


"I am an imperfect wife." She pressed her lips together, forcing a smile, but her eyes misted with tears. "I don't know how to do anything. I am the fucking faulty daughter of a wealthy man." May went into further explanation about how Edric was treating her.

Efua couldn't make sense out of everything. "But you two have been together ever since... what's changed?"

May shook her head, fiddling with her fingers and sniffling bitterly. This was an old friend she was talking to, so she just let it all out and cried in front of her. She was always the emotional one between the two of them. "I don't know. He changed ever since he got a promotion. I think he thinks he's better than me now."

"Absolute rubbish! That doesn't give him the right."

With a feeling of pity for her best friend, Efua stood up and moved to her side, trying to comfort her. "Don't worry."

May snuggled her head in the crook of Efua's neck whilst she rubbed her shoulder. Efua looked around, noting that indeed the house was not tidy.

The white curtains were
now 'I was white' because they weren't frequently washed. The television set on the wall and the
chairs were dusty as well, the reason she had wiped it before sitting down. The floor looked like it hadn't been swept for a long time. Efua observed.

This could be enough reason for a man to dislike his wife. Every African man (especially Nigerians) wants a woman who can take care of their home and family. Efua didn't need to be told that her friend wasn't that type of woman, but she knew May wasn't lazy. The thing is, the way May's mother pampered her had resulted in her growing up like this. She also knew that it could be changed.

May can change that if she's willing to. If May was still the girl she knew from way back, then she was certain she could change. May was the determined type. Once her mind was set on something, she made sure she achieved it. All she needed was a word of encouragement to push
her forward.

"You'll be fine, but," Efua paused, making May lift her head to look at her. "Are you willing to win your husband's heart?"

May nodded, using the back of her palm to wipe under her nose. "Yes," she said.

"Then clean up your house," Efua looked around one more time. "And we'll work from there."


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