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A U T H O R' S N O T E:

The journey of eight months has finally come to an end. I am happy, yet, I am sad that this book has to end and I'll no longer write about my favorite characters.

Anyways, I'm here to express my gratitude towards you all because it is not until I have two million followers or readers will I do it.

Some read only the first few chapters of this book and disappeared. Some managed to read to the middle of the book and then boom! They ran away all because they thought the chapters were too lengthy.

Some hated the characters in this book but continued reading anyways while some fell in love with the characters. Others, who are obviously special people loved everything about this book and read it from start to the end. Whichever category of people you fall in, thank you so much because one way or the other, you've encouraged me without even knowing it.

I appreciate y'all love, votes, shares, comments and support you showed me during and after I completed MAY. I couldn't have done it without you.

T H A N K Y O U.


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