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When life gives you lemons, cut them in half and squirt life in the eye.



C H A P T E R 40:

The arrangements and preparation for Mr. Philip's burial was going on, giving Iby no time to converse with May after that night they had kissed. She had stayed by his side throughout the night. She had made sure he took his bath, forced him to eat, even if he had lost his appetite and made sure he had a goodnight rest. It was till the next morning she left. She left before Iby had woken up. She had dropped a letter informing him that because of him, she was going to stop seeing Tega.

As the first son of his nuclear family, he had a lot on his shoulders. Especially concerning his father's burial ceremony preparation. Because of this, May and Iby stopped calling each other or seeing each other as he was always busy but none of them complained.

May also had her life to live of course. She had Maryam to take care of. She also applied for a part–time school program and hoped to be given a chance to study once again in her life. She talked to Tega on few occasions but never accepted his proposal. While sometimes, when she had the time, she would attend her catering school.

As for Edric, he had lost hope in retrieving his money back from Bella. She was no where to be found and her line was never going through. It didn't take long for him to accept the fact that she had lied to him from the start about her family's background and now, had ran away with his money. That huge amount of money. It was frustrating, annoying and making him think alot that he lost concentration at work. When his boss couldn't take all the errors Edric would always make at work, he sacked him and that only made matters worse for Edric.

He knew he couldn't get another job so easily since he wasn't a graduate but he tried his best, searching for other jobs. On looking at his curriculum vitae, his application was always turned down by the manager of the company saying that Edric wasn't qualified enough to work with them. When he tried more companies and was never accepted, it got him depressed. The sudden turn in his life was making him lose his mind slowly and he also didn't like the fact that he always had to stay at home doing nothing.

It was at one of these Edric's steady stay at home that Iby decided to visit May one early morning. Unknown to him, life was about to gift him with lemons. Iby tapped on the door of the family house hoping that May would get the door and he wouldn't stand outside for long but it was Mama Edric that did.

Her eyes brightened up and her cheeks widened into a big smile as she looked at Iby, instantly recognizing him as the guy at the hospital who had helped May when she tried to kill herself.

"Good morning, mama." He greeted casually, also smiling.

"Good morning, my son." She responded, "What do I owe you this morning visit?"

"I am here to see May and Maryam. Its been quite a long time since I saw them both. I thought I should come over and also, use the opportunity to thank May for the care she showed to me the other night since I never had the chance to.. Well, until now." He explained in one breath.

"That's so thoughtful of you and also, sorry for your Father's death. May later told me of it. It was saddening but what can we do? Even our tears cannot bring him back. If it could, I'm sure you and your siblings would've cried a drum full of tears." Mama Edric shook her head in pity, "Chai May his perfect soul rest in peace."


"May is inside the kitchen. She is to set the dinning table where we are to eat breakfast. Come in please and join us." Mama Edric offered.

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