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The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort & convenience but how he stands at times of controversy & challenges.



C H A P T E R 42:

"Lies!" Edric shouted, hitting his fist on the table immediately Iby finished his explanation, "You hear me? All what you've said are lies and I'm not going to buy it."

"Edric," May turned to him. Her voice low, already too exhausted with everything. "One thing I know Iby for is that he doesn't tell lies, no matter what."

Edric wouldn't take it, "No. As far as I am concerned your visitor here is not only a killer but a liar, making up excuses as to why he couldn't save Elene."

"Edric listen to yourself. I know you too well. If you were in Iby's shoes, you'd not even think twice. If Ebiere was your sister, and Elene was his, you would have knocked her down on purpose just so she'll get out of the way for you to take your sister to the hospital." May defended, reasonably, "It is only unfortunate that the driver happens to be Iby and not you."

"Good." Edric opened his palm, "It's a good thing, not so? That I am not a hit and run driver like him."

"I am sorry for your sisters death," Iby apologized, which surprised Edric's parents. "I know what I did was terrible and it doesn't justify my actions in anyway. I had so many options except running away, like you put it, but I choose the wrong one and that is why I'm sorry."

"Keep your sorry to yourself." Edric spat out because for him, Iby was pulling an act to receive pity from him and make him change his mind, "Sorry wouldn't bring back my dead sister, would it?"

Iby ignored him, thinking only of how to make his wrongs right even If he knew he would be going to prison anytime soon. As an obedient son whom was disciplined by his parents, he knelt down to beg for Mama Edric and papa Edric's forgiveness. "Mama and Papa, I am sorry. I am sincerely sorry for killing your daughter. It was by accident and my hands were tied. I had thoughts like; What if i  carry her into my car but Elene still dies on the way to the hospital? And what if in trying to save one, the both dies? Or..What if in the process of carrying Elene into my car, Ebiere dies? It was either going to be my sister or a total stranger I knocked down by accident. I had to choose my sister over Elene because no matter what, family comes first. But still, what i did was wrong and totally offensive and that's why i am on my knees, saying that I'm sorry. I never intended to cause your family pain."

Papa Edric heaved a sigh, releasing the breath he'd been holding for long while Mama Edric continued to shed tears, not willing to say a word. Although, It'd been four years since Elene died, the revelation that Iby was the killer had opened dried up wounds. Who would have thought that today, her daughter's hit and run driver would be on his knees, apologizing for his atrocity? Who would have thought her ex daughter in-laws lover was the driver? Indeed! They live in a small world.

After a minute of silence, Papa Edric, a man who thinks before he speaks, cleared his throat and said, "Its okay, my son. I no longer hold a grudge against you. Well, I don't know for them.." He was referring to Edric and his mother.

They didn't say a word so he just had to continue, "But I think they should. You know why? Because its been four good years since the incident and Elene has been long buried, almost forgotten. She is a closed chapter. Your presence here only opened it and reminded us of her again. She was nothing like her brother, of course but then again, its the good ones that dies and the wicked continues to live. We don't know why the accident happened that very day your sister was also shot. Why it had to be my daughter or why my daughter had to die prematurely.  We can't question God. What has happened, has happened. We can't undo it."

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