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"Love at first sight is nothing special. Its when two people have been looking at each other for years that it becomes a miracle. "

-Sam Levinson.


C H A P T E R 45:

1st, January 2026.

New years eve were always a beehive of activities for May's Household. The night before new year, Iby would clean up the entire house with the little help of twelve year old Maryam. If she wasn't helping her step father out, then she was busy playing with her younger brother, Oyins, who was just two years of age. As for May, she would go to the market and buy the food stuff she needed for cooking.

After they were all done with the house activities, they took their baths and went to church for the cross over service. They turned off all the lights in church and lit a candle once the time struck twelve o'clock midnight. Out cry or shouts of joy followed with people gyrating and dancing because they'd live to see a brand new year. Meanwhile, other people didn't get to see the previous year.

Before May and her family left the church, they took prayers of prosperity and blessings from their beloved general overseer, Daddy E. A Adeboye and with the candles still lit on, they took it home. It ended up at the verandah of their house, glowing through the dark while its owners were sleeping peacefully, waiting for dawn.

The next morning, May was the first to wake up. She warmed her pot of banga soup, yam, catfish peppersoup, rice and chicken stew. She took her bath before she headed back towards her room to wake Iby up. At first, Iby refused to wake up. He would groan and then, roll to the other side of the bed, pretending to be deeply asleep.

With several failed attempts to make him stir, she climbed atop of him, pinched his cheeks and demanded he got up. His next move was unexpected as he flipped her over on the bed and was on top her now.

He smiled, "Happy new year, my pretty wife."

"Happy new year, my amazing husband." She said then proceeded to stand up and make him climb off of her but he pinned her back on the bed.

"I'm not through with you. Where do you think you're rushing off to?" Iby asked.

"Well, its too early in the morning to play love. I need to bath Oyins and feed him. Also, you have to get out of bed, brush your teeth, take your bath and eat breakfast." May pointed out.

"Well, I don't want to." Iby whined like a child.

"What do you want then?" Asked, his lovely wife.

He lied flat on her body like she was the bed with his head on her breast like her breast was his pillow. "I want us to be like this forever without any form of disturbances coming our way."

May smiled, "Mr. Iby, that's impossible," She murmured then tried to push him off her, "Get up! You are killing me with your weight."

He raised his head up and brought his face close to hers, "Kiss me first or else I won't get off of you."

As his lips got close to hers, she pushed his face away from hers, "No!"

"Why?" Asked Iby with surprise. His wife never turns him down.

"I will only kiss you when you've brushed your teeth. Your morning breath smells bad," she teased playfully.

Iby smiled at this, placing his head back on her soft breast, loving the feeling of it against his head, "I will only stand up after you've kissed me."

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