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I would hold you when things go wrong. I'll hold you from dusk till dawn. Baby, I'll be right here.

—Sia and Zayn.


C H A P T E R 39:

She knew Tega was waiting for her outside the family house because he kept blaring his car's honk but she was too offended to go out and meet him. He didn't think after the lie he told Iby earlier she was still going to fall at his feet like nothing happened. If he thought so, then he was dreaming because May had changed her mind. No more club Bara tonight. She needed to talk to Iby and that was more important. Only if he would receive her several calls or reply her texts.

May rolled on her bed restlessly, in the verge of shedding tears. Iby had never really ignored her like this so it was just too much to take in. A soft tap came to her room door and she hesitantly asked who it was at the door.

"Tega is outside waiting for you." Mama Edric informed, "Seems like he wouldn't leave until you see him. Please go out and meet him. He is disturbing the whole neighborhood with his car honk,"

"Mama I don't want to see him." May asserted.

Mama Edric's next words were diminished by May's phone's ringing tone. She checked the dialer to see that it was an unknown caller.

"Ma, I'll go outside after i pick this call." She yelled so Mama Edric would hear her. Although, May doubted if she even did because the sound of her footsteps could be heard retreating from the door.

"Hello?" Both May and the unknown caller said simultaneously immediately she received the dialer and raised her phone to her ear.

"Sorry, who is this please?" May inquired. Her brows, knitting together.

"Is this May?" The lady on the other end asked to confirm. Her voice, hoarse like she'd been crying all day.

"Yes but may I know whom I'm speaking with?" May asked, already getting slightly scared. What did the lady want from her?

"Thank Goodness!" the lady exclaimed, more like to herself. "I've been trying to reach you, May." Now, her voice sounded like she was crying and panicking at the same time. "It's me Ebiere, Iby's pregnant cousin."

May's ears pricked up with interest at the mention of Iby's name. What was wrong? Why was Iby's favorite cousin calling her by this time of the night? How did she get her contact? And  most of all, did something bad happen to Iby?

May was scared. She couldn't ask all the troubling questions at once but she only prayed it wasn't something bad. On second thought, was it because she turned down Iby's request of attending his father's health celebration, that has made Ebiere to call her? What ever it was, May knew that the toad does not run during day time for nothing unless it is in an hot pursuit. It only meant trouble was calling.

"Uhm, I'm sorry I couldn't attend Iby's dad celebration party, if that's the reason why you called. But I heard the good news that the surgery was successful and he is well now. Please send my regards to him.." May told her, still hoping Ebiere called for that reason alone.

There was a sigh and a brief silence until Ebiere suddenly broke the sad news, "Iby's father is dead."

May's free hand flew to her chest as she shouted, "What?!"

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