Chapter 3

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Raven's Pov

I woke up screaming. I looked around to see that I was inside my house, in my bed, with that clown next to me. I saw him stretch, then look at me with a grin. "Hellllo! I'm Laughing Jack!" He said, hopping off my bed.

"You can't be here," I said, hopping down to fix the bed and pick out some clothes. I saw him frown. "Why not? I brought you back, so can't I stay?" "No, because my boyfriend is here!" I whispered to him as I heard the door slam downstairs.

"Raven! Where the Fuck is dinner!" My boyfriend yelled. "I'm gonna go get it Chad." I yelled back. "If it's not on my plate in 15 minutes, you're beating will be worse than usual!" I sighed, then turned to Jack. If he sees him here, he'll kill him. I thought. "Jack, that's why you can't stay. You'll get hurt, and I can't live with the guilt that it's my fault, so please leave, before he comes up."

I said as I opened the window. "What are you doing?" Jack asked as I hopped on the ledge. I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna jump, duh." And without looking back, I jumped out of the two stories high window.

I braced myself for the fall, but it never came. I opened my eyes, to see that I landed in Jack's arms. I looked at him. "How did you get down here so fast?!" I shrieked. He looked at me with angry eyes. "Why the hell would you jump out of a two story window!?"

He shouted at me. "Do you have a death wish or something! Cause I could easily take care of that for yo-" "Then why don't you!" I screamed. I was tired of being pushed around by everyone, so it was going to stop.

I pushed him away, then took out my pocket knife. He looked me, Then realized what I was going to do. Before he could say a word, I had slit my wrists and neck. As I was falling to the ground, I said my final prayers, and thought: funny. I never got to learn what love truly was.

Sup guys! I hope this story isn't sucky. I appreciate the views Moon and I got on Love Me For Who I Am. I also appreciate the people who bothered to look at this. Shout out to @blackrose11111 who has commented that this is good work. It makes me feel as if this story isn't totally hated. Thank you BlackRose! This chapter is dedicated to you.

My Sweet, Sugar Candyman (A Laughing Jack Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now