Chapter 26

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Jeff's Pov

I stared at Raven in shock. Pregnant? But, if Laughing Jack doesn't want a baby, then... I watched Raven fall to her knees, crying in her hands. "He has to know. It's his child." She sobbed.

I looked over at her, and knelt down beside her, giving her a huge hug. I still had feelings for her. I loved her so much still. But she is LJ's wife now. I can only support her when she needs me. I watched Raven look up at me with terrified eyes. "Jeff? How badly does LJ hate kids?" She asked. I felt horrible saying what I did, but she had to know the truth.

"Well, he once had a child proxy. He controlled the little boy, and the little boy was willing to do anything for LJ. He loved him like LJ was his daddy. LJ hates kids, as you know. So, when the little boy ran to give LJ a hug one day, LJ killed him. Right on the spot." I said, remembering how we all hated LJ for awhile, then Slender wiped everyone's, except for mine, memories of the little boy. Raven gasped, her brown eyes turning green, saying she was terrified for her child.

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Raven. He won't touch your child. You have us, your father, and you are more powerful than LJ. Remember that. Your child will be safe." I say to her. She sniffs and nods, standing up shakily. "He's waiting in our bedroom. We must go tell him." She says. I nod, and we walk out of Slender's office.

Raven's Pov

I walked towards mine and LJ's bedroom, Jeff following close behind me. I took a deep breathe when I reached the door, and opened it slowly. LJ was pacing back and forth when I walked in.

He stopped once he seen me, and smiled. "Oh, there you are. I was afraid something had happened to you Raven." He said, hugging me. I gave a half-hearted hug back to him, and sighed. "LJ, we need to talk." I say. He pulled back and sits on the huge chair in the corner.

"Okay. What about?" He asked, popping a piece of candy in his mouth. I watched Jeff come in, and LJ narrowed his eyes. "Why is he here?" LJ asked. I took a deep breath, and looked him in the eye. "LJ, I'm pregnant with your baby." I said quietly.

Laughing Jack's Pov

I'm pregnant with your baby. I'm pregnant with your baby.... Those words rang in my mind, over and over again. I felt my hands turn to fists. A disgusting child. It's infecting my precious Raven.

I must get rid of it. It must die. I laughed. At first a quiet giggle, then it grew louder and louder. Until finally, I was laughing my insane laughter. I stood up, and ran towards Raven, who started screaming my name.

"LJ! LJ! Laughing Jack!" She screamed, her voice full of pain and fear. I felt my sharp fingers digging into something soft, like... Flesh.

Well. That's the end of this one. Aren't I so evil? x3 I'll try to start on the sequel whenever I can. Until next time, my candies. Remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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