Chapter 10

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Raven's Pov

*Time Skip*

It's been almost a year since I had that flashback. Also, I haven't been back to see the creepypastas either. I should probably go to visit them today. I was walking on a path back home. I finally made it to the castle and walked into the kitchen.

Daddy was sitting at the table eating breakfast. He smiled when I sat across from him. "Hey Raven, happy birthday!" He said, sliding a velvet box towards me. I smiled. "Thank you Daddy. You didn't have to get me anything." 'But I wanted to." He said. I rolled my eyes, and opened the box. I gasped.

There laid a tiara with black and regular diamonds. It was a bright silver, and had combs on the end, so it would stay on my head. I looked at Daddy. He took the tiara, and put it on my bouncing black curls that I had done this morning. "You're so beautiful. I want you to wear this, and be proud that you are the princess of the creepypastas." He said, hugging me tightly.

I nodded. "Daddy, may I go and visit the Slender Mansion today?" I asked. He nodded. "Just be back by 9:00. Bring your scythe and spellbook in your purse, okay? And don't forget your bracelet." I nodded. "I won't." I then ran upstairs to my room, and put my spellbook, scythe stick, phone, makeup bag, and a Swiss army knife in my purse.

I dressed in a flowing black dress that reached my knees, black tights, and flats. I fastened my rose necklace, and slipped on my bracelet and matching ring. I walked downstairs and said goodbye to Daddy. I walked outside, and said the word that would take me to the Slender Mansion.

"Home." I found myself in front of the mansion. I seen Slender just about to walk inside. "Slender!" I yelled, running towards him. He turned around and opened his arms, catching me in a huge hug. "Raven, it's good to see you again child. Come inside." He ushered me inside, where I seen everyone, except L.J in the living room. Everyone looked up when I entered the room. "Raven!" Sally yelled, jumping up from Jeff's lap and running to me.

I hugged her, laughing as she was talking about everything that we were going to do. "Woah, Sally! Raven just got here. Don't make her run away already!" Ben joked. I smiled. "Ugh, why is she here?" Jeff grumbled. Jane shot him a look. "I'm here because I wanted to spend my birthday with you guys." I said happily.

Everyone turned to me. "Today is your birthday?" Ben asked. "Yup, I'm 18!" I said. I heard Slender clear his throat behind me. "Well everyone, you all know what will happen since its Raven's birthday... " He trailed off. "PARTY!" Everyone but Jeff shouted. I looked down at Sally. "Sally, I want everyone to have a good time, so there will be liquor. Do you pinky promise me that you won't drink any?" I asked. Jeff perked up at the mention of liquor.

"I promise! And will you promise me that me and Jane can give you a makeover?" I mentally groaned. "Yes, I promise." I said, giving her a big smile. Slender sighed. "What kind of liquor?" He asked.

"Uh.. I'm not sure. Who in here is good in choosing liquor?" I asked them. Jeff immediately jumped up. "I am!  Please let me pick it out!" he pleaded. I smiled. "Okay,  I guess I'll just trust Jeff with the choices." I said. Slender nodded, then said, "Jeff, we must go pick it up. Let's go." Jeff nodded, then looked at me. "You won't regret it. I promise." Then they left. I looked at Sally. "Where's L.J?" I asked. 

Everyone suddenly grew quiet. "I'll take you to him." Ben said quietly. I nodded, and Sally let go of me. I followed him upstairs, until we stopped in front of a black and white striped door. "He hasn't come out of his box, since you left." Ben said. I nodded, then opened his door. I left Ben in the hall and shut the door.  I seen a Jack-in-the-box on the floor. I looked around the room. It was a mess!

Clothes, furniture, and candy thrown everywhere. I sighed, then stepped around everything to reach the box. I picked it up and cranked the handle. I heard Pop goes the Weasel play. When I reached the climax, the box popped opened, but it was empty. I was confused.  Wasn't L.J in the box? 

I heard a sharp, intake of breath behind me. I turned around, quickly setting the box down. There stood L.J, looking horrible. It looked like he hasn't eaten or bathed in so long. He looked at me. "Raven? Is it really you?" I nodded, tears forming in my eyes. I haven cried since the flashback, but knowing that he was like this because of me... "Don't cry. Please. It only makes me sad. I'm so sorry Raven.  I was just so sad. You left, and I just had no meaning to live anymore." He said.

I started to cry. "Jack, what have you done to yourself?" I sobbed. He quickly came up to me and hugged me. "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!" He said over and over. I finally stopped crying and broke out of his hug. I heard the door slam from downstairs.

"Raven! Jeff and Slender are back with the liquor! Sally wants to start working on you!" Ben yelled. I sighed. "Okay! I'll be down in a sec!" I yelled back. "What's going on?" L.J asked. "You are taking a bath mister!" I said, pushing him towards the bathroom.

He laughed. "Okay, I will. But tell me what's going on." I looked at him. "Today is my 18th birthday, and Slender is planning a party." I said. He immediately brightened. "Well, lemme shower and get ready! I'll be out in a jiffy! He said closing the door to the bathroom.

I laughed and walked out of his room. Slender had his head in his hands as I came downstairs. "What's wrong Slender?" I asked him. "My brothers are coming over. I hope you don't mind." He said. I laughed. "I don't care. I would love to meet them."

He looked up. "You would?" He asked nervously. "Of course! The more, the merrier!" I smiled.

He hugged me. "Nobody can stay serious with you around. One of my brothers, Trenderman, is already here, and he insisted on helping you get ready." "Okay!" I said walking into the living room. I seen a guy that looked like Slender, only he was wearing a white dress shirt, a tan vest, and white dress pants with black dress shoes.

He looked me over. "Not bad, but I could do better!" He said, dragging me off to Sally's room. Her and Jane were already waiting. I sighed.

This could take awhile.

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