Chapter 7

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Raven's Pov

I looked at Laughing Jack with hurt. My black eyes narrowed into slits. I got up off the bed, and slowly walked towards him. He backed away, putting his hands out in front of him.

"Raven, I-i didn't mean what I said. I was j-just angry at you.  I thought that I would loose you. I can't loose you. I-i love you." He stuttered. I stopped walking in shock. He loves me? I can't deal with this right now. I looked down at my wrist to find that my bracelet is gone.

"Shit, Slender." I muttered under my breath. I walked out of the room to find a guy in a white hoodie and jeans, with no eyelids, and a cut smile from ear to ear, walking out of a room. "Hey, do you know where I can find Slender?" I asked him.

He glared at me. Well, we obviously aren't going to get along. "Why do you need to know? You don't live here." He said rudely. I looked at him, my eyes turning into slits. "He has my bracelet, and I wanna go home. Now, where is he!?" I shouted in a demonic voice.

The guys eyes widened. He ran off. "Wow, you scared Jeff the killer, impressive." I turned around to see an elf guy. He was pretty short, and looked like that one creepy stalker from Majora's Mask. "You look like that on-" "I know, I know. I look like Link." He inturrupted.

"No, you look like that creepy statue from Majora's Mask." I said, annoyed that he inturrupted me. His eyes widened. "Wow, you actually guessed right. Yup, that's me. I'm Ben, Ben Drowned." He said, sticking out a hand.

I took it and shook it. "I'm Raven, daughter of, Mr. Creepypasta? Is that what you call him?" I asked. Ben stared at me. "You're the daughter of Mr. Creepypasta?!" He practically shouting. "Yes, now show me where Slender is. He has my bracelet." I said. Ben nodded and showed me around the house.

I met other creepypastas too. There was a little girl named Sally, a guy in a white mask with black lips, who was Masky. I seen a guy with a blue mask, and no eyes. He is Eyeless Jack. There was a guy with a stitch on frown. That was Hoodie. There was a girl that hated Jeff, and she is Jane. there was a Husky with red fur, that was Smile Dog. There was a black cat with a huge grin, that was Grinny. Lastly, there is a guy with goggles and a mouth guard, that is Ticci-Toby, but he told me to call him Toby.

Ben and I finally made it to the door leading to Slender's office. Ben looked at me. I said to him, "Tell Laughing Jack that he will be forgiven, but I'm leaving as soon as I get my bracelet back. Okay?"

He nodded, then hugged me. I was tense for a second, then relaxed and hugged back. "Thanks Ben, Jeff was no help whatsoever." He pulled back and smiled at me. "No problem, and Jeff's just being a dick because he's grounded. He almost got caught while killing, so Slendy said that he's grounded for two months." I laughed. That's just funny.

"Well, I will miss everyone, except Jeff and Laughing Jack. You guys are cool." I waved goodbye to him and then knocked on Slenderman's door. "Come in," I heard him call. I took a deep breath and walked through the door. I looked up at Slender.

"I will make sure Laughing Jack is not killed. I love him, so I don't want him to die. But I don't want to stay where he stays. He has hurt me, so I'm going." I said. He nodded. "Okay child. As long as we know that Laughing Jack is safe, you may leave. Your bracelet is on my bottom shelf. I wish you a safe trip, and you are welcome back anytime at all. You're bracelet also teleports you anywhere you really want to go." He said as I slipped on my bracelet.

I looked back at him and smiled. "Thank you. For everything." I walked up to him and hugged him. He was tense at first, then slowly relaxed. He leaned down until he was my hight. I heard ripping as he leaned down. Then, I felt him kiss my cheek. I looked up at him in shock. Nobody has ever given me a loving kiss before. It felt good.

I kissed his cheek back,  then watched  him stand up. "I'll show you outside. You can take a walk down the path and teleport at the end of the path." He said "Okay." I said. I took his hand and we teleported outside. We walked until I seen the path. "I will leave you here, child. Remember to come and visit." I smiled up at him. "I will. Goodbye Slender." "Goodbye child." I watched him disappear, then I started walking down the path. I started singing as I was walking down the path.

I'm coming home

I'm coming home

Tell the world I'm coming home

Let the rain

Wash away

All the pain of yesterday

I know my kingdom awaits

And they've forgiven my mistakes

I'm coming home

I'm coming home

Tell the world I'm coming...

I sang until I came to the end of the path. I rubbed my bracelet, then looked at my necklace. "We'll meet soon." I whispered. Then I shouted "Daddy!" once more. I fell through the portal, my last thoughts being, I'll see you soon.

Long chapter! There will probably be a time skip soon. Until then, like, comment, be beautiful, and remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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