Chapter 19

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Raven's Pov

I walked out the door. I couldn't believe that he said all those things. They must've all been saying those things for him to just put them in my mind for a whole week. I have never felt so unloved.

I can't live anymore, but how can you kill yourself if you're immortal? I walk through the woods, pondering over how I could kill myself. Maybe none of this is true. Maybe it's just all to get me turned against my family. If it's true, I always have my death spell... It's rare that it ever works though.

I turn around and walk back to the mansion. The first person I see is LJ walking towards me. He opens his arms, and I run straight into them. I feel his warm lips press onto my forehead as I inhale his sweet candy scent. "I did it LJ. Are you happy I did it?" I ask him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I should've been the one to do it kiddo. But I'm happy you're all right." I smile and kiss his warm lips. I feel tears of happiness run down my cheeks as I feel him kiss back harder than ever. "I love you Raven." He whispered as we broke apart for air. I smiled softly. "I love you too." I said to him.

He hugged me, and I rested my head on his chest. I love him, I always have, and I always will. "Baby, go get ready. Meet me in front of the mansion at 7:30pm. Wear something nice. It's a date." He said, grinning, then he disappeared. I smiled and squealed. "Oh my gosh. Trenderman!" I yell out, running inside. I go up to Slender, and tap his arm.

"Slender, where is Trenderman at? I really need him." I say to him. He felt my forehead. "Are you alright child? Nobody ever asks for Trenderman." I laugh. "I have zero experience with makeup, and horrible taste in fashion. I need help." Slender dropped his hand and pointed to a room down the hall. "He's in there. Good luck child." He said, disappearing right after.

I rolled my eyes, and ran down the hall to knock on Trenderman's door. "Come in!" He yelled. I opened the door to see Trenderman organizing his clothes. "Trender. I have a fashion emergency. Big date with LJ. Zero knowledge with makeup and clothes. Help me." I say to him.

He dropped everything he was doing and looked back at me, examining me from top to bottom. "I know just what to do. What time is the date?" He asked, pulling out makeup and clothes. "7:30pm." I tell him. "We'll be cutting it close, but we can do it. Go take a bath, and wash your hair. We have a lot of work to do." He said. I nodded, and ran upstairs to my room, excited and anxious about my date with LJ.

Wait until the next chapter to see how the date goes. And just wondering, should I add some smut, or nah? I'm not good at it, but I would try if you wanted me too. Remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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